Tuesday, February 8, 2011


My numbers are not changing and it is depressing me among everything else in my life so I am not going to weigh anymore. Plus on this P90X program it is supposed to gain muscle so that is going to screw up my numbers. In order to save my sanity I will stop the scale for now.

I have stopped taking celexa I dont feel that it was working for me. I dont really like side effects probably a big reason why I dont like taking pills. Mostly this pill affected my sleeping and my "libido" and I like my "libido" so that was a big fat no. I am now going to an herbalist and trying the natural route which is having its draw backs as well. I have a daily hard sharp pain headache which is not good but I promised my husband that I would stick with a plan for at least three months. Thinking that I should forgo drugs and people should just deal with the b!t@h inside but that's just me. hahahaha

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hey all!! I am still alive and trying to succeed at this weight loss journey. My number has derfited from 151 to 152 but am now trying to get back on track. Amazing not having internet it kind of made me get off track and not hold myself accountable which really sucked butt. No more though. The man and I have ordered P90 X and are doing it together. It is so fun having a partner in crime. start seeing that number drop and I am going to try and post every Tuesday when I can. Hope you are all doing fabulous!!