Friday, May 20, 2011

A 7 Day Success

This cleanse has been a real eye opener and adventure. I am so grateful for the 7 days I was able to cleanse and release.

By this day I was crying and very emotional and lars was done seeing me miserable.

I am so grateful to be able to listen to my body and give myself the permission to stop. Doing this cleanse I lost ten pounds or more I haven't weighed yet.

I am glad to know what to expect and I am excited to go again when the time is right.

Thanks for all the support.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 4 Cleanse

If the cleanse is good for anything it is definitely good for losing weight.  As you could tell from my weigh-in. 

I mainly have my bowels movements in the morning and then through the rest of the day I just drink lemonade and pee a lot. We have to track how much we poo because that is how we know our body is cleansing. 

I haven't been sleeping the greatest and I know it's because of the herbal laxative we have to take before bed. I am hoping that passes. 

Amanda - the lemon cleanse consists of a drink made of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and good water. I take a herb laxative or sea salt broth in the morning and an herb laxative at night.  I drink about 6-7 glasses a day of it and it goes for ten days. 

For me I would like it to be a cleanse for my colon and such but I am more looking for an internal emotional/mental cleanse. I have been meditating and doing affirmations to help heal whatever is making me angry  This cleanse can be used for so many purposes it is really a personal endeavor. 

My little kikster who is so much like me has been kind of feeding off my angry energy.  We have been butting heads and hate to say it yelling to be heard with one another. I would love to put her on this with me. 

Anywho this is my report so far ;-)

Weigh-in 153.2

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 1 of Lemon Cleanse

And I have to be tempted by these!!! I did not give in but I will save them lol

Friday, May 13, 2011

Master Cleanse Reading Part 3

Chapter 6: The Master Cleanse

This chapter takes you fully through the cleanse. Tom Woloshyn explains the benefits of the cleanse, what you will need, why those items were chosen, the steps to proceed each day, side affects and much more. The 51 pages of this chapter is the complete instruction of how to do the cleanse.

Passages that stood out to me:

"Do not let others discourage you." pg 61

". . . .as if you could learn how to swim by coughing others from the sidelines rather than plunging into the water yourself with a good instructor nearby." pg 62

"Do not let others sabotage your efforts." pg 62

When I first learned of the Master Cleanse, which was a year or two ago, I was excited about it. I went out bought the book. Only read what I needed not the entire book. And was going to see how this Master Cleanse would benefit my life. In preparing for this I kept my husband in the loop and although I love him with all of my being he was a nay sayer. Having to fight for it and convince someone else is exhausting and I ended my Master Cleanse Journey.

So these comments really hit me because truly who you bring on this healing cleansing journey will make or break you.

In explaining the ingredient Tom Woloshyn says, "get the best; you deserve it." pg 63 What I see, "Don't half-ass it." You can either follow the guideline to a better you or only go part way. YOU DESERVE THE BEST!

"Get out of your own way. Allow yourself to heal, and then accept it as a gift!" pg 90

Lastly, "WAEFFTI - When All Else Fails, Follow The Instructions.". He puts them there as plain as can be.

Master Cleanse Reading Part 2

Chapter five is kind of a long one as it talks of how the cleanse works for all aspects of your body. Mental, physical and emotional. Passages that stood out to me:

"stress is a condition that starts in the conscious mind and almost always manifests as a feeling in the body." pg 42

"In the physical body, the unconscious state, if left unchecked for too long, will create the experience of a dis-ease or discomfort, functioning much like an alarm to alert the mind and wake it up to take correction action." pg 42-43

I have come to believe these statement fully as I have experienced my bad feelings turning into something more. It is always good to check in with yourself.

"Therefore, it is vital that you take care where you put your mind, and what you choose to expose it to." pg45

"It becomes clear that the thoughts we think affect us and the thoughts we share with others can have a long and lasting impact." pg 47

Tom Woloshyn recommends a book called You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay and says this of her book, "what is so great about this tool is that we can change ourselves at the very core of our being if we choose to, because we have Free Will." pg 50

"Another by product of the cleanse is feeling more relaxed and calm." pg 53

Since having kids I have kind of felt like a time bomb ready to blow always ticking inside. Or maybe that's just at this moment lol

"With a healthy body, your mind will find peace and will start to open on a higher spiritual level, and other aspects of your life will continue to change and evolve as well." pg 58

Overall in reading this chapter it confirms to me that I am taking the right steps to better my mind, body and spirit as it list the affects and outcomes of doing a cleanse.

I got the books by Louise Hay and look forward to clearing the negativity on my inner soul and learning how to more at peace with myself. Just typing that it sounds cheesy but I really feel it and I need to break free of it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting On Track

I weighed myself the other day and the magic number came to 161. Yes I have let myself go. I have stopped caring and stopped trying. I didn't even weigh myself every other day like I usually do. It has gotten ugly! My body has been aching and uncomfortable. Me headaches have been nightly and we won't even touch my moods. It is time to take action, I shouldn't have even gotten to this point, and clean up the mess. Pushing past the standstill, past the backwards motion and run forward bringing on the healthier rejuvenated body that I KNOW is inside fighting to get out.

I have decided to devote myself to the Complete Master Cleanse by Tom Woloshyn. Mostly because I feel Munich needs to be cleansed and I am getting some dry spots that I want to be gone. They are spreading on my body and I don't know exactly if my body is allergic to something or if there is something going on inside.

Right now I am reading the book cover to cover and I will probably read it a second time to fully prepare and embrace the guidance in it. There is so much factual information that it will take two times through to read.

I have read through chapter 1 to a fourth of chapter 5. So far the words that have stood out to me are:

"I strongly support you in achieving your goals." pg 8

I really like having the feeling of support and these words are so strengthening that I will post them in my bathroom.

"I want to be healthier. I want to be happier, and I want to be more fulfilled." pg 9

This is a mantra that Tom Woloshyn would say to himself when before his life changed and progressed for the better. Instead of the word 'want' I would put 'am'. If you keep saying 'want' that's all you will ever do is want.

"Nothing venture, nothing gained." pg 9

Self explanatory. So I plan on venturing to the fullest!!!

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein pg 26

The majority of the first chapters are talking about his introduction to the Master Cleanse, what doctors do to contribute to the problem instead of dissolve it and now talking about the different types of food and how your body reacts to it. He doesn't speak all bad about doctors because there are some instances where they are needed.

A lot of the information is stuff I have heard through different sources but it doesn't hurt to learn it again and understand the severity of it.

Sidenote: I started reading this book last Thursday so I have gotten a bit farther in the book and have been journaling my thoughts and feelings about it.

I will be starting the cleanse officially on Saturday and will be doing a smoothie diet to prepare my body starting today. I am excited and I am ready to make my physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental body healthier and happier.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home again home again jiggity jig

Coming home was a bit of a throw back. I got right back into the routine of being mother and wife and taking care of the house. I miss the solitude the past week had. Lol

This whole week (so far) I have stayed home, besides taking kids to school, and stuck to myself. I took care of the animals and kept the house clean. I just didn't feel like putting on a happy face so that others would be happy. Mostly I just don't want to deal with people.

No excitement from this cowgirl. Sorry ladies and gents but I do have a question for you all and I would appreciate an honest answer.

What gives you excitement to keep you going through this life?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Stealing

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, "honor amongst thieves". In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will "fess up" to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme. Let's go!!!

Today we ripped off a blogger named Mejisfrom the blogSouthern Discomfort. She explains the she was tagged for the meme from Miss Angie over at My So-Called Chaos. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! 

Cheers to all of us thieves!

Four Places I go:

1. To the bathroom 

2. Crazy we should all go sometimes

3. To the bedroom

4. Window shopping. I love to look at all the pretties and dream

Four Crushes I Have:

1. I crush on my hubby 

2. I crush on all my blogger friends

3. I crush on fun people

4. I crush on sexy people

Four Smells that I Love:

1. Rain

2. Citrus

3. Victoria Secrets lovespell

4. Strawberries and champagne

Four Favorite TV Shows:

1. Heroes

2. Jerseylicious

3. Ellen

4. Biggest loser

Four Favorite Movies:

1. Dirty Dancing

2. The Bourne Trilogy

3. Disney movies

4. All the rest

Four Recommendations:

1.  Sit an airport and watch people it is an experience

2. Jude Devereaux books

3.  Love and lots of it

4. Kettle chips the jalapeño kind. So yummy

Four People  that I'd love to read their Fours:

1. The man

2. Ange

3. Amanda 

4. you

Four Things about me that you don't know:

1.  I have a hidden stash of things you will never know about

2. I have a mole down south

3. What do you want to know

4. Just ask

Four bands that I love:

1. Paramore just started listening to them and they are rocking my socks off

2. R/B soul

3. Country

4. Everything else

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player's posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Riverwalk

Ok so really I don't see what all the hype is about downtown and the riverwalk. Sure it is nice to walk down it, see all the sites but it is mostly just a lot of restaurants. And I mean A LOT!

We shall see what tomorrow brings on the riverwalk but I do know I will sleep for some of it.

Fun stuff

Wednesday exercise

9.1 miles in 45 minutes not bad on the bike

2.77miles in 45 minute doing some glute program. Yowza!


We went to Six Flags and it was a lot of fun until a yellow teal ride. Oh my gosh!! I was pretty wobbly after that.

Now on our way to enjoy the riverwalk!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


30 minutes elliptical machine

30 minutes treadmill.

Man I miss these machines and the sweat they produce!!

Then I ate some scrambled eggs, a banana an drank orange juice. Wish they would of ha some water

Monday, April 18, 2011


We have arrived to our destination and it is truly a beautiful sight. There will be no weigh-in but I am excited for the weigh-in next week.

Things to look forward to this week are: swimming, husband, workout in a gym, husband, six flags, husband, shopping and of course my husband. ;-) Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The 5000 Question Meme, The Final part

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser

Today we ripped off a blogger named Leo from the blog Leonine's Journal. He was tackling a meme that his blogging site, Live Journal, hosts. It has 5,000 questions. He did a hundred. So, we will break it up into parts. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? 


77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo? 

Polar bears

78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic? 

Most days

79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? 

Is this a trick question?

80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it? 

Be alone with the man

81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick? 

We have so many freedoms how would one choose. Maybe if I had a list I could choose better

82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? 

Isn't it the same

83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?

Watching television

84. What do you think makes someone a hero?

Their character

85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in? 

My little pony

86. Name one thing that turns your stomach: 


87. What was the last thing you paid for? 


88. Are you a coupon clipper? 


89. Get anything good in the mail recently?

Books from paperbackswap I love that site

90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling? 


91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends? 


92. What insects are you afraid of? 

All of them until I kill them

93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say? 

Suck it. Hahaha

94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? 

70's dress

95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be? 

Cookies and milk

96. What are your parents interested in? 

World peace

97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet? 


Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal? 


98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans? 


99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest? 


100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you.

Huge warm blanket, husband, knife

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player's posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!


75 lower ab crunches

75 oblique crunches

75 ab crunches

To answer your question Dani, I am not really going for a six pack. Crunches are just an easy exercise to make me feel like I have done something. And it would be nice to have a flat tummy lol. Abs and cardio are two exercises I like lots

Thursday, April 7, 2011


75 lower ab crunches

75 oblique crunches

75 ab crunches

Wii exercise: 35 min
* hula hoop
* boxing
* step aerobics
* balance game

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011


50 lower ab crunches

50 oblique crunches

50 ab crunches

Wii fit: 30 minutes
* hula hoop
* boxing
* step aerobics

75 lower ab crunches

75 oblique crunches

75 ab crunches

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The 5000 question meme part three

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. 

Today we ripped off a blogger named Leofrom the blogLeonine's Journal. He was tackling a meme that his blogging site,Live Journal, hosts. It has 5,000 questions. He did a hundred. So, we will break it up into parts. Link back to us atSunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

51. Make up a definition for the following silly words...

Fruitgoogle:  fruits that giggle

Ambytime: A drug that will help you go anytime 

Asscactus: a hairy ass

52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands? 


53. What was your favorite toy as a child? 


54. How many TV's are in your house? 


55. What is your favorite thing to do outside? 

Walk or watch the kidlets play

56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?


57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true?

No thanks goodness

58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader? 

I have known some people that were

59. What is your idea of paradise? 


60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like? 

Yes. Awesome

61. Do you believe in Hell? 


62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't? 

Can't think of anything at the moment

63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done? 

Listened to people

64. Have you gone to WTIT's facebook page and hit "like" yet? If not, why not? (No pressure.) 

No get sidetracked on Facebook 

65. What holiday should exist but doesn't? 

Who cares as long as there is a day off right?!

66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does? 

See #65

67. What's the best joke you ever heard? 

A man walked into a bar and said ouch

68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been? 

My room ;-)

69. Is your hair natural or dyed? 


70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? 

Yup I think we should all have them

71. What is under your bed right now? 

Shoes, magazines, miscellaneous thing, fun box

72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home? 

Go home

73. If you drive do you frequently speed? 

On occasion

74. What is the world's best song to dance to? 

Too many moods to choose just one song

75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone? 

We make our own music to dance too

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player's posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!


Friday, April 1, 2011


1 hour walk (I NEED to remember the sunscreen lol)

50 lower ab crunches

50 oblique crunches

50 ab crunches (my tummy is aching so I think I am going to split these up. Maybe do 50 in the morning and them 50 at night)

Not too much exercise due to lots of errands, getting our goats and the blasted visitor coming for monthly checkup.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


50 lower ab crunches

50 oblique crunches

50 ab crunches

Walk 30 minutes

1/2 mile walk

Wii fit exercise 30 minutes
* hula hoop
* step aerobics
* boxing
* balance candle

100 lower ab crunches

100 oblique crunches

100 ab crunches



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The 5000 question meme part 2

(you can obviously tell it is not Sunday but I am catching up on blogs and I like this meme so enjoy)
Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, "honor amongst thieves". In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will "fess up" to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme. Let's go!!!

Today we ripped off a blogger named Leofrom the blogLeonine's Journal. He was tackling a meme that his blogging site,Live Journal, hosts. It has 5,000 questions. He did a hundred. So, we will break it up into parts. Link back to us atSunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

26. Who has done something today to show they care about you?

Today my husband kissed me and it was the best damned kiss ever. Mostly because I surprised him and then he kissed harder

27. Do you have a lot to learn? 

So much!! Life will never be boring

28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?

* to farm with a whole bunch of animals
* to garden and can all the goodies
* to pole dance. I hear it is a great workout and it looks fun

29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?

All of them are about the same. I don't remember much unless it is worth it

30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?

Communication!!!! If you are not communicating tour needs and feelings those needs will not be met and your feelings won't matter

31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die?

* own some more animals
* travel the world
* finish schooling

32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing?

* raiding teenagers hahahahaha just kidding I don't think there is anything I would die to just avoid 

33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause?


34. What does each decade make you think of: 

Nothing really. Just another day

35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?

The 90's I really enjoyed them

36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song?

37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country?

USA Obama 

If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
Get a clue

38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?

I would rather read

39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why?

Ursula. I am fat and I want power hahaha 

40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?

Yes. Didn't last long

41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?

Both would provide excitement

42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night?

Might have to do with the sun shining a light

43. What does your name mean?

It is a spice. I am pretty spicey

44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?


45. Word association

What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:

Air: Breath

Meat: Penis

Different: good

Pink: ribbon

Deserve: Water

White: Cloud

Elvis: Presley

Magic: stars

Heart: meant

Clash: fire

Pulp: Orange

46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be? 

My dad

47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive?

Some of the awesome bloggers out there 

48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday? 

Dirty dancing

49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do? 

Book to read, word search, phone, other things I won't mention ;-)

50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved? 

Nothing that stands out to me

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player's posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

Being home, Power, Hair

* being home has been nice except for the wind and the coldness that floats in our home morning and night. it was nice being in a place that had heaters that worked lol

* trying to tackle all the projects I want to do is a bit overwhelming. can't help but ask, where do I begin? Haha it will all work itself out and I am excited.

* before coming home I saw my BFF and of course she makes all my emotions come out. one being my crying. I am not happy with my hair. I don't know if it is just too short and I wasn't ready for that or I just think it is hideously fugly. I will pull it back everyday until it gets longer to do something with it.

* which brings me to power. that is another reason I am a little upset and disappointed. I felt with my long hair that I had some type of power. I felt a certain sexy/sexual power that made me feel beautiful and different. Oh well you can't win them all

* my weight still ranges from150-160 which is ok except for all the weight is showing up on my tummy. not to excited about that

* debating on doing a full fledge 10-12 lemon cleanse from the book "The Complete Master Cleanse" it's a whole lot of commitment


I am going to start recording all my exercises so I can strive to do some type of workout.

I am going to start gardening which is a workout in itself.


Walk 35 minutes


100 lower ab crunches

100 oblique crunches

100 crunches

Mambo ;-)


Sunday, March 20, 2011

The 5000 Question Meme, part one

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, "honor amongst thieves". In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will "fess up" to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme. Let's go!!!

Today we ripped off a blogger named Leofrom the blogLeonine's Journal. He was tackling a meme that his blogging site,Live Journal, hosts. It has 5,000 questions. He did a hundred. So, we will break it up into parts. Link back to us atSunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Who are you?

That one girl that's so quiet but is secretly wild ;-)

2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?

Loyal, listening, don't put up with your shiz

3. When you aren't memes like this one what are you doing?

Eating. Reading. Wishing. Hoping. 

4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time).

English. I loved to write but didn't care about the specifics

5. What is your biggest goal for this year?

Get our garden put together and growing. Also just to save and payoff. Seems like whenever we get a good routine something always comes up that takes time and money

6. Where do you want to be in 5 years?

The first thing I thought of was how old are my babies going to be. Lol. In 5 years I want to have more animals and be stable financially

7. What stage of life are you in right now?

The right one

8. Are you more child-like or childish?

Eek I don't think I am either 

9. What is the last thing you said out loud?

See you then

10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now?

I don't really remember songs that well. Unless I am in the moment

11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes?


12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same?

It does both and I love it. Shakes it up

13. Does time really heal all wounds?


14. How do you handle a rainy day?

Play in it. Or bake

15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?

Losing luggage by far

16. How is (or was) your relationship with your parents?

I am blessed. They give me space but are there when I need them

17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you?

For the most part but I zone quite frequently so I don't have to be aware

18. What is the truest thing that you know?

Jesus Christ is real and there is a God 

19. What did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher. So glad I didn't go that route  I am so impatient sometimes but in the end when you are a mother you are a teacher

20. Have you ever been given a second chance?

Yes. And I am so grateful he gave me one ;-) 

21. Are you more of a giver or a taker?


22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?

Yes I do so claustrophobic to be close minded miss out on so much

23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?

Appendicitis. Give me birth any day

24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you?

Hmmmmm I don't know about this question. 

25. Who have you hugged today? A lot of people. I am a hugger not afraid to hug

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player's posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!



* went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and was so jazzed that I didn't have any cavities!

* have been really into Jude Devereaux books have read three this week.

* I have kind of just been 'chugging along' because I am so stoked for our trips.

* we will be going to az this next week for spring break and I am going to chop ten inches off. I am excited and nervous but mostly excited

* one month away from getting to go to Texas for a week with the man. It is going to be awesome to get to play and not have to watch for kids

* went to a church event and spoke along the lines of the balls that they had for decorations. Not meaning it it in those terms People are perverts and get embarrassed when I say things they are thinking (I know they secretly enjoy it). It was one of the funnest church nights ever.

* was introduced to some new music this week by artists such as the misfits, flyleaf, and muse. growing up with mostly country it was nice to hear some new sounds

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday 9

Welcome toSaturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: You Were Meant For Me

1. Have you ever felt that you were "made" for someone or some purpose?  

I feel this somedays and then I feel lost others

2. What do you do when you have a problem that you can't do anything about it?

I eat ;-) and get grumpy whichever comes first 

3. If marijuana were to be legalized, do you think it should be taxed?

Everything else is taxed 

4. What is one thing you should never do on a first date?

Who am I to say maybe you have known this person forever and could go farther

5. If someone (at gunpoint) forced you to receive a portrait tattoo of someone, who would it be?


6. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?

I sure hope so

7. Anything fabulous happen to you last night?

Yeah I got to stay at a friends house until one visiting and talking about everything our minds wandered too

8. For a few years in a row, you receive a nice tax refund: do you make an adjustment with your payroll deduction so they'll take less, or do you leave it that way so that you can continue to receive the big check every spring?

We have it just right

9. When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?

Hmmmm when my husband gave me the sexy look

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven't any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pass the paste, please

Go check out Thursday Thunks at

We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want.
Write about it on your blog... simple as that.
Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!
Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post.
Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs.
Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks responses!
That's what all this is about after all, isn't it?
We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....

The TT questions are brought to you by Berleen,the color of melting snow and the number 456..

1. There is a song out there about you... it's on the radio, the video is on tv (just not MTV) and everybody in the world knows this song is about you. Who sings it?

Whoever has the mood right

4. Have you ever sneaked..snuck...snucked...what is the right word? into a movie?

I don't call walking into a movie sneaking but there has been a few movies that had me sneak

3. Déjà vu; meaning "already seen", is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. Thoughts on what it is? Have you experienced it?

I experience this a lot and I was once told that it means you are in the right place at the right time or on the right path. 

2. Stick it to me, baby. What is the last bumper sticker you saw and why do you remember it?

I have been seeing a lot of family stickers and no to Obama stickers lol

10. Ever wonder what fish think about?

No but I do wonder if they sleep

8. If you could paint President Obama's fingernails any color, what would it be?

7. Do you have seat covers on your car seats? What do they look like?


6. For the rest of your life you can eat one spice and one spice only (on whatever food you want, of course), what spice do you choose?

Garlic salt

9. If you could slide down a rainbow, which side would you slide down?

The right

5. So a mom is suing her kids' preschool because it failed to prepare the child for the kindergarten entrance exam... did you eat paste in preschool?

I don't remember I am sure I probably tried it 

Have a great day. Or not. See you next Thursday.

*We will now be publishing updates for Thursday Thunks on Facebook via the InsanityCafe fanpage. Please "like" us there to get your TT reminder!


* The weather has been so beautiful and it has given our family a chance to get outside and make some noise. We raked cleaned the chicken coop and we are getting ready to garden.

* We are getting some goats from a guy at my hubby's work who is moving out of state. I am so pumped to build our little farm that words cannot even describe it. I talked to the guy the other night to ask some questions and I guess he told some people at work how sexy my voice was. It made my day.

* My hubby and I like to joke about getting a 1-800 number and making mucho amounts of money with my voice

* My weight has been steadily in the 150's and I am ok with that because I am a freaking sexy beast. I can say that I would like to be smaller but I am comfortable and happy with where I am.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunday Stealing

Thanks for helping us launch WTIT on facebook...

We have just set up WTIT Tape Radio's facebook
page. If you'd like to see what we're up to onfacebook, just say you like our page. Simplyclick here and hit "like"! Thanks! We're not too proud to beg. Again, thanks for all of you who helped out last week! Peace! Here's today'sStealing...

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, "honor amongst thieves". In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will "fess up" to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme. Let's go!!!

Is it me, or is this pic creepy?
Today we ripped off a blogger named Fridge from the blogBuzzing Fridge. Buzzing Fridge's last post was in 2010. He states he got it from Toast. Since we've got Toast's pick (Fridge never shared one) we thought that we'd post it. Toast has had a blog since 2003, but when he reinvents it, he deletes his archives. So we have no idea where Toast got it. It's 50 questions, so we will do it in three parts. Had we had found the old blog, we would known where Toast got it from. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us atSunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

17. Who would you like to show up at your door to say they love you?

My brothers. I wish we had the silly goofy relationship to where we called each other once a week or every other week but lives get in the way. 

18. Last furry thing you touched?

Hahaha I am not telling ;-)

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?

I have only taken at johns wort which I guess isn't really a drug

20. Do you miss film or does digital work for you?

Digital does the job

21. Favorite age you have been so far?

Between 17 and 18 good times good people

22. Your worst enemy? Fat

23. What is your current desktop picture?

Galaxy I think

24. What was the last thing you said that was funny?

I can't remember but my husband laughed or maybe that's when I was getting delirious and showing cleavage to truckers

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?

Million bucks no doubt. Payoff all this stupid debt plus I wouldn't want to get shot from someone thinking I was a bird or something 

26. Who can't you say "no" to?

I cam say it to anyone what's your problem

27. The last song you bought or downloaded?

I would like to get that jar of hearts song

28. What time of day were you born?

The right time

29. What's your favorite number? Why? 21

30. Where did you live in 1987? Mesa

31. Are you jealous of anyone?

Damn rich people. Have no cares in the world

32. Is anyone jealous of you?

Of course everyone wants me love handles 

33. It's been almost a decade. Where were you when 9/11 happened?

I was in college. 

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player's posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!