Monday, June 28, 2010

Weigh In Week 4


So this weeks weigh in was goin to be huge, due to the great motivation of Katy over at our VBL on Project Look Good Naked. She gave me great motivation to get my booty in gear and for the most part I did. Thank you so much for the push. I am going to keep pushing until this weight and me are balanced and happy. It didnt quite qualify me to be entered into the challenge but I am so happy with my loss. Here is to another awesome week!!

confession: my favorite color is green

Please Help. . . . .

. . . . . me understand after wearing socks and shoes and pants that cover those socks and shoes that my feet still end up looking like this?
I am just saying. . . .

confession: i am going to have a farm with lots of animals, someday

Friday, June 25, 2010

Just Because. . . . .

on my blog rounds this morning I got some awesome wake up calls. Go check it out!! We all need it!!

I hope you dance. . . . .

Music really moves me!! Any type of music really. Yesterday I didnt get my regular planned workout in but I did get some movement. I clicked on the Pop genre on the ipod, turned the lights down low and began to move to each beat that got thrown my way. It was awesome!! And it really lifted my spirits. After a while my legs began to burn and I knew this was exactly the workout I needed.

What music moves you?

confession: i have PPD and it is not fun

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cheesy but true

I am going to be cheesy and say thanks to all you awesome bloggers that have made a wave in my life and have motivated me to get healthy and to move this sexy body of mine.

I did my workouts for the day and even did Turbo Jam. I love Turbo Jam it is so fun!!

confession: i miss my utah workout buddies and friends.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I want to get rid of. . . . . .

. . . . . my thunder thighs. Most people would like to get rid of their fat rolls near the stomach line but for me I would like to get rid of the thighs. I would be able save a lot more pants that way.

This happened to my favorite pair of jeans the other day. And it happened right after I read this blog post from a blog I can find. I got it from someone else's blog. Hmmmmmm. . . . Oh well!

what body part would you like to see smaller?

confession: i got a little blog happy and made another blog.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weigh-In Week 3


ugh!! my numbers are going down slowly. but not for long they will go crazy down. i want to taste the 170's I really do. what can i blame?! oh yes the oreos hahaha and everything else i ate.

the good news i created a plan, as far as my workouts go.

Monday: Slim in 6/ walk 8 laps

Tuesday: TurboJam and/or Biggest Loser Wii/ walk 12 laps

Wednesday: Slim in 6/ walk 8 laps

Thursday: TurboJam and/or Biggest Loser Wii/ walk 12 laps

Friday: Slim in 6/ walk 8 laps

Saturday: ab workout and thigh trimmer DVD/walking

Sunday: ab workout and thigh trimmer DVD/walking

Now that I have that taken care of I just need to figure out better eating habits to where I am not starving and not over doing it. Here is to week 4 and better habits!!

confession: i like weigh-in days because after i weigh in i reward myself with a nice hot bath

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My honey and his plot

My dear sweet loving hubby whom I adore with every ounce of my body and his did something not so nice.

Can you guess what it is? . . . . . Well it involves a store. . . . . . It involves some money. . . . .and it involves milk. . . . . .

He bought me oreos. The biggest sin you can do for any feeling fat person is buy them oreos. Let's cross our fingers for a great weigh in tomorrow night. And yes the oreos are almost gone.

confession: i have not exercised too much this week

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Post #50 Woot Woot

I am missing in action this I know. I have been in a crazy whirl wind of tired, cranky and tired. I enjoy this losing weight but I need to get a better plan and maybe even write it down somewhere so I dont stress about losing this blasted weight.

A lot of people have been posting books to read. I have enjoyed this because I know this weight goes a lot deeper than just having babies and keeping that weight on. **What books do you recommend that have helped you on your weight loss, self helping, self loving journey?** I really want to know.

Exercising is kind of in spurts at the moment because my feet are giving me problems but yesterday I took the girls to the pool and that was a lot of fun. I didnt eat that much but that's ok I drank water. Actually it's not ok. I find myself not eating because I dont want to gain but then I am starving.

Oh the torture we put ourselves through.

confession: i am happy on the outside

Monday, June 14, 2010



well i lost some weight but it wasnt too much.
a loss is a loss though and i am grateful.
i know i could have ate a little less carbs
and a lot more veggies and fruits.
its a weakness
as a matter of fact i am craving some nice homemade bread now
looking at it smelling it mmmmmmm
anyways i will try to workout more
and not think about my painful feet.
here's to the 170's
i will get there soon.

confession: i like facebook a little too much.


The weekend sure went fast, dontcha think. LOL It is already weigh-in time and I am dreading it a little bit. I havent been to good on eating and working out although I have had some definite movement going on. Last chance workout will be fun. Did my workout last night and all three kidlets did it the Biggest Loser workout challenge with me. It was quite the site. Especially when they kept asking me, "Mommy are you crying," "No honey it is just sweat." It really worried kidlet #3. She asked me this morning, "Why were you so tired mommy?"

confession: i let my kidlets piece through a cake. i am a nice mommy today. also glad i dont have to look at the cake anymore.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Yesterday was kind of a crazy day. Crazy as in you have your whole day planned and then one thing throws it off and you dont know what to do with yourself. A bunch of friends, their kids and my family planned on going swimming. We get to the pool to find out it is closed and then we are stuck wondering what to do. Should we plan something else, should we just go on with our day. Well we did try to find something else to do for our kids to do but it all just flopped. I had to go to the store and had to prepare for a funeral.

Which brings me to today. In my little town of 500 we had an amazing lady who has been through breast cancer, sickness, and much more die in a car accident. I really dont know how to explain my feelings. She was/is an amazing lady always opening her home and her heart to people. Makes me wonder why good people have to die. Yeah it's the whole circle of life thing but good people should have that chance to live longer.

confession: i havent done laundry in a week and a half and i am dreading it. who would of thought we had so much clothes.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Chunky Butt

I dont know why I named this post that butt it sounded cool. Yesterday was the biggest lazy day of them all. I even went and got myself a McFlurry thanks to Smaller Fun Pants advice. I was so ready to not work out but then I saw a family riding their bikes and I am like "oh crap, let's go walk." So I pumped my momentum and did 12 laps this time which I felt pretty good about.

My kids are awesome, some days, butt they really are awesome! They love to see me workout, they love to tell me to workout, and they motivate me. My #1 walked all 12 laps with me, she is such a trooper.

confession: I love butts. Especially my hubbys.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jinxed myself. . . . .

I cant believe it. . . . I was doing fabulous. . . . My monthly visitor came. . . . And I just kept going. . . Doing great. . . . Then it happens. . . . . I get tired and move slower. Hahaha gotta love that time of the month. Happy to report I still worked out but it would be better if I ate a little better possibly even had food in the house. Yay for paydays and yay for grocery shopping.

Had a Green Smoothie this morning and it was yummolicious. Going to try and get more fruits and vegetables in so it can clean out the system. Also water would be a good thing to have around. I find I drink more water when there is ice in it. And the coldness works your metabolism more. I read that somewhere. Dont ask me where

confession: i am not a big fan of chocolate but i eat it sometimes to make people happy

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sore today

I think my body is catching up with everything I have been doing to it. LOL I didnt even do that much yesterday. I did walk the track my goal was 8 laps to equal two miles but by the 5th lap I was feeling the heat and wondering if I could go the whole eight and that I had this vision (I know cheesy) of Bob and Jillian (I know even cheesier) pushing me to finish all 8. So glad I did. I dont want to be a quitter ever EVER again. Food went well except for that extra taco at dinner time but other than that I ate pretty normal.

What do you do to get extra exercise? I find myself sucking in my stomach while doing everything or when laying down or sitting I do leg exercises. Truthfully we can always be working some part of the body. ;)

confession: i miss getting my cosmos. they are funny to read and sometimes have useful information

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dont Look

I am going to be brave and post a picture. I put it sideways well because I cant figure out how to put it up right lol But that is me.

I have been reading some awesome blogs as well as all my competitions. Go check them out and give them some love for they are all doing awesome

Pencil Skirt Bound

Jack Sh*t, Getting Fit

Don't forget to go check out everyone in the competition on the side bar and give them some love!

Weigh-In Day!! Week 1

week 1
it went a little strange
i was a little worried because we had some crazy days
overall i stuck to my not eating after 6 (except two days)
and i have been one week clean from soda lol
also it has been nice to get a little bit of exercise each day
weigh-in weight: 187.0

goal for this entire journey is to get out of the 180's
my body WILL enjoy a smaller number

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Just keep moving! :)

I hope everyone is doing well. This week has been exciting as I have worked out at least once every day. Yesterday I walked the track with my husband and that was a lot of fun. So grateful for him. I have done a workout at all parts of the day and I would have to say night time is my favorite workout time. The morning is fun because it gets me moving but it also make me more tired by the end of the day. I get more excited by working out at night and know that nothing will come between me and my workout since everything is done during the day.

when do you like to workout?

Friday, June 4, 2010


Yesterday was a great start to a day but for some reason it just went down hill. I let myself get slumped and I ate things that were not condusive to my body. dragon fire chips and cinnamon banana bread (which are oh so good!)

I ended up not eating dinner because one it was past six and two I was full but man I could of done better. I figured out that I eat when I am angry. Or just plain depressed. Why do fat people have to get depressed?! Well because we feel fat of course. I was having a major fat day. Oh well today is a new day.

When I am skinny I am going to eat whatever I want, in moderation.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Miss and Not Miss

The kids slept in today which was FABULOUS! My body woke up which is fine so I went and let the chicks out and did a morning workout. It felt GREAT to get my body moving and blood pumping.

I was thinking this morning about what I would miss about being fat. I know, crazy thought, but one thing I would miss would be my boobs. hahahahaha

Something I would not miss is the tired feeling ALL THE TIME. Well almost all the time. I wont be tired to play with my kids, I wont be tired to go for a walk. I will not be tired anymore.

what are you going to miss and not miss?

VBL Introduction

I am following the awesome lead of another competitor from her blog since I have no idea how to talk about myself and in general I am not a talker. So here it goes:

  • i am a 27yr old stay at home mama to three girls and a boy
  • i live in the middle of nowhere with a hole bunch of dirt. so no gyms, no weight watchers, not too much outside help
  • i like living in the middle of nowhere
  • i have chickens and slow growing garden. look forward to having more animals
  • one thing i would like to focus on besides obvious exercise and eating good is not eating after six and drinking no soda.
  • hmmmmmmmm
  • i guess that is it for now :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Starting over!

I thought I deleted this blog but happy to find it was still here hahaha. I have gotten huge. ANd I am on a mission to lose it!! I know I know you are thinking well you were already on a mission. Well this time I am for reals going to kick my butt and others because I joined a biggest loser competition. I am going to look good naked again dangit!!! Stay tuned