Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Being home, Power, Hair

* being home has been nice except for the wind and the coldness that floats in our home morning and night. it was nice being in a place that had heaters that worked lol

* trying to tackle all the projects I want to do is a bit overwhelming. can't help but ask, where do I begin? Haha it will all work itself out and I am excited.

* before coming home I saw my BFF and of course she makes all my emotions come out. one being my crying. I am not happy with my hair. I don't know if it is just too short and I wasn't ready for that or I just think it is hideously fugly. I will pull it back everyday until it gets longer to do something with it.

* which brings me to power. that is another reason I am a little upset and disappointed. I felt with my long hair that I had some type of power. I felt a certain sexy/sexual power that made me feel beautiful and different. Oh well you can't win them all

* my weight still ranges from150-160 which is ok except for all the weight is showing up on my tummy. not to excited about that

* debating on doing a full fledge 10-12 lemon cleanse from the book "The Complete Master Cleanse" it's a whole lot of commitment

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