Thursday, January 6, 2011


I am going to put it out there and I am going to vent a little bit. I am a worrier when I dont hear from people especially when that person is my HUSBAND. His job is safe but not safe at the same time. I understand some days he may work late but when he doesnt call to let me know the first thing I think about is death. When he is late coming home from work and has not called me I am heart pounding and checking my phone every minute to get a message. I wont go into detail about how far my imagination gets but it is a very scary and a very real thing for me.

Driving gets me that way too. I am always thinking that any moment we are going to drive off the side of the road and then what will happen? Who will take me kids? Anywho that is just a peak into my head.

I think about all the crazy stuff. Do you?

exercise: walking


Ange said...

I obsess about things like that too. I am at my worst when I don't do my "rituals".

Amy said...

I totally get this. I always worry about my husband if I haven't heard from him when I think I should have. And when I first went back to work after having my daughter I used to almost have a panic attack worrying about crashing on the way to the office. I still sometimes worry about someone crashing into me or driving off the road, but not as much as I used to. I am definetly a worrier, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Totally. If someone's late, I worry they're hurt. If I don't hear from someone, I worry that they now hate me and have stopped being my friend. I'm crazy. Good to see others are the same way :)