I weighed myself the other day and the magic number came to 161. Yes I have let myself go. I have stopped caring and stopped trying. I didn't even weigh myself every other day like I usually do. It has gotten ugly! My body has been aching and uncomfortable. Me headaches have been nightly and we won't even touch my moods. It is time to take action, I shouldn't have even gotten to this point, and clean up the mess. Pushing past the standstill, past the backwards motion and run forward bringing on the healthier rejuvenated body that I KNOW is inside fighting to get out.
I have decided to devote myself to the Complete Master Cleanse by Tom Woloshyn. Mostly because I feel Munich needs to be cleansed and I am getting some dry spots that I want to be gone. They are spreading on my body and I don't know exactly if my body is allergic to something or if there is something going on inside.
Right now I am reading the book cover to cover and I will probably read it a second time to fully prepare and embrace the guidance in it. There is so much factual information that it will take two times through to read.
I have read through chapter 1 to a fourth of chapter 5. So far the words that have stood out to me are:
"I strongly support you in achieving your goals." pg 8
I really like having the feeling of support and these words are so strengthening that I will post them in my bathroom.
"I want to be healthier. I want to be happier, and I want to be more fulfilled." pg 9
This is a mantra that Tom Woloshyn would say to himself when before his life changed and progressed for the better. Instead of the word 'want' I would put 'am'. If you keep saying 'want' that's all you will ever do is want.
"Nothing venture, nothing gained." pg 9
Self explanatory. So I plan on venturing to the fullest!!!
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein pg 26
The majority of the first chapters are talking about his introduction to the Master Cleanse, what doctors do to contribute to the problem instead of dissolve it and now talking about the different types of food and how your body reacts to it. He doesn't speak all bad about doctors because there are some instances where they are needed.
A lot of the information is stuff I have heard through different sources but it doesn't hurt to learn it again and understand the severity of it.
Sidenote: I started reading this book last Thursday so I have gotten a bit farther in the book and have been journaling my thoughts and feelings about it.
I will be starting the cleanse officially on Saturday and will be doing a smoothie diet to prepare my body starting today. I am excited and I am ready to make my physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental body healthier and happier.