Tuesday, October 26, 2010


last week
for this week

i am done traveling for a while thank goodness
glad that my weight didnt change too much

prayer request:

i was excited to be back, blog about my excitment, but i cant really think straight. i just got word of something happening to the little boy i take to school with my youngest daughter. he got hit in the head by a horse and has now passed away. my heart hurts but its not about me my eyes continue to water and i just dont know what to do. the mom is a dear friend of mine and she would do anything for anyone. her mom just passed away in july and now to lose her baby i am just at a loss. please pray for the Dillon Family. i know God has purpose but right now i dont care about that. what am i going to say to my girl when we dont pick her little friend up anymore. i know i will have to hear it everyday.

please pray for them!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


And just to prove she actually cut some hair off I took a picture of the hair on the floor. So I know it doesnt look that different like maybe this picture does:
But truth is I wasnt ready to get rid of my long locks yet.
So she cleaned it up a little and fixed my bangs.
Which I am so happy about!!

Now I need to go pack and go crazy because I have so much to do.
And I am craving cheese, lots and lots of cheese
So peace out, have a fabulous weekend!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Big Mama

found this lovely button through another blogger and it opened up a window to a whole bunch of people losing some awesome weight. There are no rules except you need to post the button I believe. Go check out Big Mama & the bristol project.

Week 19 Weigh In


This week was so hard because I was aching for some of these yummy treats
click on the quote if you dare. I didnt want to post the picture because then you all would want some and I am not like that. No temptations here.
This is me scaring you into shape. LOL
Really it is me after my walk.
Sunshine is so good for the soul so get out there
and get your booty in gear.

I am so freakin excited for my sister to come into town tonight!!
She is going to cut my hair.
I am nervous and excited all at the same time.
I will post pictures.

This weekend we are going to Arizona and I am so pumped to see family and friends.
Worried that I might go hog wild on all the yummy food and not get to work out as much
But if I plan now, all will be possible

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Fun

Thanks to an overly long visit to Walmart, no thanks to their pharmacy, I picked up these magazines and a third one that has been misplaced. Meaning I dont know where it went LOL
I also have had some fun with these monkeys and the little cowboy who was napping
Have you ever seen those houses that have a whole bunch of bikes around the yard? Some work and some dont but none the less they are there when you need them. I am so grateful that my father in-law had this gem and we were able to fix it up. It hurts my butt like no other but we have been riding every day and it has been SO fun!
All that stuff in the background is due to cleaning our garage. It is amazing the stuff we collect and now I will pass it on to someone else. LOL

What did you do over the weekend?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


updated pictures

bust: 42' 39'

waist: 44' 40'

hips: 44' 41 1/2'

left thigh: 24' 23 1/2'

right thigh: 24' 23 1/2'

This change is over a period of two months
Not too bad and I love being able to tell a difference.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weign-In Week 18


Yesterdays weighin! Yay! I'm back to where I was.
Still chugging a long with my water and apples and a few other choice foods.
Everyday is a new day.
Thanks everyone for the kind words I know we all do different plans different diets different strategies to get ourselves healthy and really we just need to do whats best for ourselves
Thanks again for kind words

And just because he is cute, here is the little cowboy in our makeshift stroller.
The straps broke so we had to improvise.

i hope to post progress pictures and measurements tonight
keep our fingers crossed