Thursday, October 14, 2010


And just to prove she actually cut some hair off I took a picture of the hair on the floor. So I know it doesnt look that different like maybe this picture does:
But truth is I wasnt ready to get rid of my long locks yet.
So she cleaned it up a little and fixed my bangs.
Which I am so happy about!!

Now I need to go pack and go crazy because I have so much to do.
And I am craving cheese, lots and lots of cheese
So peace out, have a fabulous weekend!!


Katy said...

HEY!!! I went to Mesa High. I recognize that shirt, lol

spice2116 said...

hahahaha yes i was a jackrabbit. our ten year reunion is next week. that should be exciting ;)

Amanda said...

Pretty! You have gorgeous hair. :) Now I'm off to check out the weight loss community button from your last post!