Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Fun

Thanks to an overly long visit to Walmart, no thanks to their pharmacy, I picked up these magazines and a third one that has been misplaced. Meaning I dont know where it went LOL
I also have had some fun with these monkeys and the little cowboy who was napping
Have you ever seen those houses that have a whole bunch of bikes around the yard? Some work and some dont but none the less they are there when you need them. I am so grateful that my father in-law had this gem and we were able to fix it up. It hurts my butt like no other but we have been riding every day and it has been SO fun!
All that stuff in the background is due to cleaning our garage. It is amazing the stuff we collect and now I will pass it on to someone else. LOL

What did you do over the weekend?

1 comment:

Amy said...

We are one of those houses with extra bikes that don't work - I had to BEG my husband to get rid of 2 of them so now we are only left with 1 that doesn't work and it might mysterously disappear soon...