Tuesday, October 26, 2010


last week
for this week

i am done traveling for a while thank goodness
glad that my weight didnt change too much

prayer request:

i was excited to be back, blog about my excitment, but i cant really think straight. i just got word of something happening to the little boy i take to school with my youngest daughter. he got hit in the head by a horse and has now passed away. my heart hurts but its not about me my eyes continue to water and i just dont know what to do. the mom is a dear friend of mine and she would do anything for anyone. her mom just passed away in july and now to lose her baby i am just at a loss. please pray for the Dillon Family. i know God has purpose but right now i dont care about that. what am i going to say to my girl when we dont pick her little friend up anymore. i know i will have to hear it everyday.

please pray for them!


Unknown said...

how sad. It is so hard to lose somebody and even more difficult to lose a child we will pray for them and you and your family it hits hard when you have one the same age.

Amy said...

Thats so sad, I can't imagine losing a child. I will definetly include them in my prayers.

Jen Newsham said...

I will be praying. It is hard to trust God when things that we don't understand happen.