Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weign-In Week 18


Yesterdays weighin! Yay! I'm back to where I was.
Still chugging a long with my water and apples and a few other choice foods.
Everyday is a new day.
Thanks everyone for the kind words I know we all do different plans different diets different strategies to get ourselves healthy and really we just need to do whats best for ourselves
Thanks again for kind words

And just because he is cute, here is the little cowboy in our makeshift stroller.
The straps broke so we had to improvise.

i hope to post progress pictures and measurements tonight
keep our fingers crossed


Amy said...

Congratulations on the weigh-In! I am struggling this week so it helps to see others making progress. And your son is Super cute :)

Ginger aka Gidget said...

What a cutie patootie!

Unknown said...

Great job!