Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kick that butt!

Seriously I just feel like kicking my butt to get it moving. But even then I dont think it will get much action. hahaha I went walking today and bundled the cowboy up. He didnt last long. Sooner or later I will get a stroller that has tires that dont get flat and a buckle that keeps the little cowboy nestled in his seat.

I have not eaten anything yet, I have drank water but my body is just not hungry. I did eat a little piece of cheese but I felt like I was going to puke. Our bodies are crazy. I think I ate so much while being on the dot that my body is full. hahaha Wouldnt that be good news?! I am going to snack on some almonds.

Yesterday I weighed myself and I came up with 166.0 which isnt bad compared to most days. I know I ate more and I have just been lazy. I am just glad it didnt go to 169.0 because I was stuck there before.

A friend of mine just started the Atkins diet and she lost 28lbs in 3-4 weeks which made me excited for her but also sad that it took me 4 months to lose that much. I just need to keep kicking my butt and moving forward.


Amy said...

28lbs in 3-4 weeks is crazy fast! I think you'll have longer success taking the slow and steady route.

Amy said...

comparing weightloss is a tricky thing. In one hand - we desire to know all about someone's journey - and on the otherhand - we feel either motivated or defeated when we don't measure up. I have a friend who apparently weighs the amount I do... but during our weight loss journeys - she lost almost twice as much weight. I'm happy for her... but annoyed at myself for not being more diligent. But I'm not giving up either!

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Keep kicking butt indeed. You can do this.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Good for you!

Don't feel bad. You're a lot more likely to keep it off than your Atkins friend, I promise. :)

Kirsten said...

Have you honestly known ANYONE who kept off the Atkins weightloss and can live like that forever? Pah-leeze. You are rocking it girl. One day at a time, bless and release the rest.

Besides, you're over HALF WAY to your goal. You're a REAL-LIFE, HONEST-TO-GOODNESS inspiration. Focus on that shit instead. :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on the puter forever, but i just had to chime in and say how awesome you are!! you look great and slow n steady always wins the race ;) I know how you feel it's hard seeing someone loose so fast when it feels like FOREVer just to loose a few but your doing fantastic just thought you should know!!

Ginger aka Gidget said...

I stumbled upon your blog through a link on another and am so glad to find another Ginger! :)

Looking forward to following you on your journey and I know what you mean about the weight loss comparison. But, did they have more to lose? That could be why it's coming off faster.