Friday, September 10, 2010


1. If a major newspaper wrote an article about you today, what would the headline be?

Crazy Girl Trying to Be Super Woman - seriously i am trying to be everyone at once, church goer, service person, mother, wife, friend, me and more much much more

2. Name one thing you like about being an adult.

ummm i dont like being an adult hahahahaha

3. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon when you were a kid?

all of them. to tell you the truth i cant remember what cartoons i watched. i know, i know i am lame

4. When is the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt about them?

i tell people everyday. for the most part i like to be honest with people unless you upset me than it takes me a while to bring it up

5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in life and in blogland.

seriously this week has been so crazy that i feel like i havent gotten to read anyones blog or even blog myself. between spending days in the city (which is an hour and a half away) typing a 400 page story for a friend, trying to get ready for this funeral, work charity party, and taking care of kids, home and husband, i am truly spent. i miss you all so much and i promise to read and comment on your blogs next week.


♥ Drazil ♥ said...

We miss you too and I agree with #2.

Kirsten said...

Hey, I gave you an award in Wednesday's post. Stop over and see it tomorrow! :) Hugs, Kirsten (p.s. My daughter says you're doing great - 1/2 way there!)