Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eating Day 2

i have the cutest smoothie buddy!! he always finishes his before me. LOL mostly because he has less but who cares. (dont mind the dirty face they are born that way)

my yummy drinks for the morning. mmmmmmmm delicious! this morning i made my smoothies. ingredients include: orange juice, bananas, carrots, almonds, bok choy, lettuce, blueberries, grapes, and apples. these two smoothies hold me over until dinner. I also ate a half of almond poppyseed muffin which was really filling, i could of done with a quarter size of it and been good.

i went on a walk with a local friend who is trying to lose weight as well and it was really awesome to visit with her and get to know her better.

i drank my second smoothie and ate some cheese with it. yum yum :)

for dinner i had some ham, green beans and home made macaroni and cheese. tomorrow i am going to eat at lunch so i am not starving by dinner time. mmmmmm that could be bad.

and if i really wanted to be honest i would say that i had to have a couple baby spoonfuls of mashed potatoes (to show cowboy how yummy they were) and sneaked a few cheetos but that is only if i want to be honest.

bad thing for the day: almost getting eaten by dogs while on our walk, seriously it was freaky, thank goodness for sticks.

good thing for the day: new razor blades - my legs are now silky smooth LOL yay!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am always taking bites of my daughters food to get her to try it (and sometimes when she doesn't finish, too...) and I never account for those calories. They should be calorie free, since it is just part of being a mom ;)