Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Award!! Yippeee

1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment

I got this awesome award from Plus-Sized Pin Up. She is super awesome sports some fun tattoos and has some great goals. Go show her some love.

1. dancing -
i love to move my body and listen to music. it is a great mood booster and fabulous workout.

2. the man -
he is a mood booster all in himself. he accepts me. he loves me. he strengthens me. he touches me. the end

3. the kidlets -
although i find myself crazy sometimes with them they really do make me smile with all their funny sayings and actions. they love me unconditionally and i will forever be grateful for the gift they are in my life.

4. reading -
i love to read books, blogs and anything else. i actually get consumed by it where i cant function until it is all read and i know what has happened. sometimes the man has to physically take the book away so i can get some sleep.

5. comments - i am not going to lie. i love getting comments and feedback. it is what makes the journey all worth while knowing someone is along for the ride.

6. quiet - for those of you who dont know i wear hearing aids. and quiet is music to my ears. in my life i dont always get the peace and quiet until everyone is asleep but still peace and quiet makes me a happy mama. i dont need it all the time but i can unwind and relax after stress with some quiet

7. family - i am blessed with a great family.

8. flowers - i love receiving them and i love to sniff them. i believe i spoke about it in a previous post but i love flowers and the beauty they bring

9. coloring - i love to color but only with colored pencils.

10. randomness - i like that i have random thoughts that are sometimes weird and crazy because that is what makes me me. i am weird and crazy all put into one hot chick ;)

nominees are:

* Food's Ex Best Friend
* Scarlett's Big Butt
* The Beginning to No End
* It's Just Me, Drazil and Sheniqua
* The Swede Records
* Operation Shrink Charlies Big Butt

ok i need more people to give me more love so i can nominate you :p

1 comment:

Scarlett said...

* Mini freak out *

Thank you for the nomination! That is so darn sweet of you :)

Since you like comments, I replied to your question in my blog :)