Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weigh-In Week 13

(sorry no picture the battery died lol)

I am surprised that I lost anything.
After finishing the VBL I kind of lost all motivation and didnt really control my eatings too much. I even broke my no soda rule and had maybe two or three. (was sober for close to four months) I cant remember. I also had three extra kidlets on top of my four so it was aight. Has anyone else lost their umph or am I just speaking jibberish. I did work outs I just didnt eat the greatest.

I want to give myself a new goal to lose 10 more pounds by October 11th. (would love to lose more but 10lbs is safe to say) That weekend I will be going to my home town and seeing family and friends so I would like to look my best. I am even going to get my hair cut which I am ecstatic about.

How is everyone doing post challenge?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am doing Ok, but that is mostly because I joined another biggest loser type challange (where we weigh-in In person, Yikes!) so I have been doing just OK.