Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just as I was getting pumped. . . .

. . . . to start the workout challenge over at Drazil's Blog I get sick. Seriously! What is the deal with my body?! I think mostly it is just due to stress and not getting enough sleep. So I have been having daily hangovers thanks to Nyquil, which I will not take again so I can be alert for the kids this week, blowing my honker like crazy and losing my head thanks to head congestion. I havent made the best of food choices. Not to mention anything like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Cake Icing. But it really is the only thing that taste good going down the sore throat. At least that is what I tell myself. hahahaha Oh the joys.


Unknown said...

It will go away and you can have you back again!

Amy said...

I just got over being sick, it is so hard for me to eat anything other than ice cream. Hope you feel better soon!