Friday, August 6, 2010

BYOC Friday!!!

Which translates to Bring Your Own Craziness. I love when people post blogs to do on different days and I especially love the question and answers. So here is to our craziness:

1. This is something a bit different and comes from my lovey dove Barbara (My NEW LIFE rules). It’s called “Which one would you rather?”….

Tom Cruise or
Tom Brady?

although i am sure tom cruise has some great things about him i havent been to fond of him. tom brady looks strong handsome and he is tall. (which my husband likes to remind me was one of my requirements lol)

Mr. Big (Sex and the City) or
Tony Little (excercise nut)?

i dont know any of these people :(

Whoopi Goldberg or
Making whoopi?

making whoopi fo sho! i love any closeness with the man

2. I know some of us have discussed this before but I’ve been thinking and hearing it more in blog land as many of you are getting closer to goal. How do you feel about plastic surgery? What lengths would you go to in order to achieve it?

it has been a thought but not a reality. i couldnt imagine altering my body under the knife especially already having a c-sections. natural is the way to go and your body will thank you

3. What’s your favorite website?

i would have to say google reader. i love see who has updated their blogs and reading about others journey. it is big inspiration to get my butt moving

4. What’s your best tip for having a great vacation? (Yes, this is me being selfish….getting slightly nervous about my first vacay ever in 13 DAYS!)

dont stress!!! usually when i go on vacation i always think there has to be a plan and a place to be and i wig out of anything changes. vacation is to relax and get away not be more of a beast. enjoy enjoy enjoy

5. Repeat question….which blog or comment stuck with you the most this week and why?

i think would have to be ms. bitchcakes reaching her goal. i love her pictures. love her attitude. and it put a smile on my face to see her reach her goal. a lot of the blogs i am reading we are just starting on this journey so it was fun to see someone at the end. congrats to her and to all of us for wanting to be healthy and take care of ourselves

1 comment:

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

I need to try Google reader...everyone talks about it.