Friday, September 3, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. If I didn't have to work anymore I would ummmm really i cant answer this question because i dont have a job i work at but i do work at home doing everything under the sun. taking care of family, house, animals etc etc so if i didnt have that work i would probably travel or find a job hahaha

2. My favorite thing about a vacation is change of scenery. i like that i dont have to look at my own home and that i can pretend i have a new home

3. When packing for a trip I pack less than my mom. hahaha i pack light but i pack enough.

4. If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) I would choose my husband , because, he is my honey and we have fun together and we would go around the us of a because there is so much to see

5. My top 3 absolute travel essentials are 1) phone, 2) snacks, 3) pillow - other pillows just dont cut it

6. Vacations are worth taking!!

7. On vacation you must always relax. it is good to have somewhat of an agenda but you are there to enjoy and chill .

1 comment:

Romanian Princess said...

My favorite thing about vacationing is the change of scenery as well. I love your blog I'm your newest follower. Please follow me back @

Thanks, Nicole Mariana