Sunday, September 19, 2010

lovin some cherry

Cherry On Top Award Rules

Thank the person that gave you the award.

Kirsten, over at Results Not Typical Girl, gave me this awesome AWESOME award. And of course I want to thank her, thank her for thinking of me, thank her for writing faabulously funny and real posts, and thank her for always bringing the party train with her.

Answer the question: If you had one chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?

Ummmm. . . usually I would say no to this type of thing because really I dont regret the way my life has ended up. . . . but in reality there IS one thing i would change.

Pick 6 people and give them this award, and don’t forget to inform them they’ve won!

The Beginning to No End

Scarlett's Big Butt

Food's Ex Best Friend

Pencil Skirt Bound

Operation Shrink Charlie's Butt

Plus-Sized Pin Up

These girls are real cherries I mean keepers and although I have more stuff to post about I am going to get my tired and sick behind back in bed. Seriously!! Can you all just stop writing for a minute so I can catch up on what you already wrote. hahahaha


Scarlett said...

Hey, I stopped writing for a while so I think you can take 5min for me :-P

The Incredible Shrinking Woman said...

Thanks for awarding me! I really appreciate it! Looks like you are hanging in there and doing good! I'm fighting the good fight over here, but boy it's rough! It's nice to know I have friends like you to help hold me accountable!