Saturday, September 25, 2010


I had a really good day and an even better day night. I went walking of course and we walked up to the cemetery which was great due to the inclines. I also took a picture when I returned home to prove I walked but my camera has magically disappeared. hahaha No it wasn't planned.

Eating today went well, I had apples a lot of water, chips and salsa and some yummy Thai Food. I am sure I sneaked some other food in there but let's face it, that was yesterday and I dont remember.

The man and I went on a date last night and it was so freakin fun going out. We went to Office Max and got a really nice pencil sharpener. I know you all will think I am a freak but seriously I hate getting a pencil and it not being sharpened. Then you cant find a sharpener, pisses me off if I want to be honest. But enough about that. I even posted on my FB how much I am in love with my new sharpener. Took pictures of it even, which I shall post later. We went to a bookstore and got a planner because yes I have appointments already starting for 2011, and had some yummy Thai food. Delicious!! Overall it was a really rocking night and I always love spending time with the man.

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