Monday, March 16, 2009

03/16/09 Eating Good

i am going to be putting more fruits and vegetables in my diet and a ton of water :)

24 oz cup of water - 4

breakfast: smoothie - carrots, radishes, orange juice, apple, banana, frozen berries, almonds

lunch: hot dog, chips with salsa and a cookie

snack: leftover smoothie

dinner: lasagna, toast, rice


Anonymous said...

That smoothie sounds interesting?! Do you enjoy it? sounds like a good way to get your fruit's and veggie's in. Im trying to up my water intake too I am carrying around a huge 1 liter bottle with me all day so far so good just peein lot's lol. Good job ginger your a good inspiration for me!!

spice2116 said...

i love my smoothies!! and the best part is they fill me up until lunch time so i am not snacking all morning

good job on the water intake. if people drank more water and less soda's and juices they would see a huge difference in their bodies i like to add lemon to my water sometimes to give it an extra cleanse