Friday, November 19, 2010

Challenge starts today!

Get Fit For The Holidays starts today and I am so excited!!

I really think that this will help me not eat so much. HAHAHAHAHA

It's ok you can laugh.

I am. But I really am going to do it!!

Weigh-Ins are on Fridays so I will start posting my weigh-ins and picture on friday.

Who cares right.

So to start out this challenge my weight is 158.6


  1. Set a realistic goal. Remember that this challenge is only 36 days long.
  2. Track your stats on the last day of each week period.
  3. No cheating! Be honest about your updates and please don't tamper with anyone else's.
  4. If you don't have a blog or twitter handle please use your full name and supply an email address. This will allow me to contact winners if I am able to get the challenge sponsored.
  5. In order to qualify for the contest you will need to take a photo at the beginning of the challenge (Nov 19th) and one photo at the end of the challenge (Dec 24th). Please include a sign that says "Get Fit for the Holidays Nov-Dec 2010". This is to ensure that everyone is presenting honest and accurate information.
Ummmm I didnt do a body shot. Hoping that's ok but if not I will do one later.
Good Luck to everyone

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good Luck on the challenge!