Monday, November 8, 2010

Wish List. . . . .

. . . . . . for Christmas. I know some of you my say, "Holy Shiz, she did not just say the 'C' word." Yes, Yes I did. 6 weeks and 4 days until Christmas which equals something around 46 days more or less. Dont judge me I am not a mathematician, it is still coming no matter what. And instead of being all girly and saying, "Oh I dont know what I want. I dont need anything honey." I am going to put it out there or at least some of it that I know for sure. I am a selfish little spice girl arent I?! hahaha So as of this moment I know for sure these are the things I would like to have, I dont need, but I would like. I think it would really bring world peace if I were to receive them ;)

I do NOT have any type of aprons. Scratch that I have a cute little half apron my moms made for me but lets face it, I get a little more dirty than just my bottom half. And I have come to the realization that I am done ruining my clothes for cooking. I am not going to stop cooking so the obvious answer to this problem is to get an apron. The above pictured aprons are cute but I was liking the ones here and here and the prices are really great. I dont want to be spending over $35 for an apron. Too much honey too much

(Things I See)

The second wish list item is a punching bag. I would definitely need to learn to punch better instead of just taking out all my frustrations on this beauty but that will come in time. I dont know if I am the only weird one but sometimes I get the feeling to hit something. It's a bad habit of course (that comes with my monthly visitor) and I plan on making it a positive force instead of a frustrating, angry at my depression force.

How was your weekend? Eat anything yummy? (we had homemade pizza) Tomorrow is weigh-in and I am crossing my fingers for 159lbs. It will happen and I am excited.

1 comment:

The Incredible Shrinking Woman said...

Make sure you come to my blog tomorrow- I'm doing a give away for Mint Julep Monogramming, and Hillz does the CUTEST aprons!!!
I want a punching bag too. I could unleash some SERIOUS fury on that puppy...