Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weigh-In Week 22


My picture is kind of blurry, sorry about that
Do to a grease covered baby finding the camera and wanting to take a picture of me cleaning up the mess. lol while he was still covered in grease. ick!

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I got a happy pill and so far I am still getting used to it. It makes me super sleepy and gives me headaches. Actually I dont know if the headaches are pill induced or if they are cookie induced but either way the headaches are there. I do feel like they calm me down a little bit. So we shall see how that works out.

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Twitter is getting more exciting as there are different motivational people on there with great advice. If I could sit still to read it all that would be great. I found someone doing a challenge over this holiday season starting November 19th ending December 24th. I know what you are thinking, a challenge over the biggest eating season of the year, I have to be nuts. hahahaha I am excited for it and it will keep me in check.

Go check it out

Get Fit for the Holidays

1 comment:

The Incredible Shrinking Woman said...

I had smooshed banana in toddler sized fingerprints on my sunglasses for YEARS. Apparently they wanted to look cool while eating a nanner.
Uh, why was your baby covered in grease? Do I want to know? (Imagining an impromptu Rodeo going on at Ginger's house, trying to catch the greased up baby for bathtime... lol!)