Monday, December 6, 2010

Paying It Forward Giveaway!!

I have been rather blessed to have found some awesome bloggers and great support.
One of them happens to be this awesome gal

She had a giveaway a while ago and after reading my wishlist she reminded me to enter her giveaway. I dont enter many giveaways, one because I dont believe I ever win and two I want other people to be able to win the item and three well i dont like getting my hopes up to be disappointed. Any who I enter and I didnt win. No biggie. I wasnt too worried about it. But I receive this message from Charlie and she tells me that she is giving her gift certificate to me. (i guess Mint Julep Monograms gave her one for hosting a giveaway, super nice of her) So in the spirit of giving because I seriously felt so grateful to these ladies I would like to host my FIRST giveaway. Granted I have no idea how to do it I am going to keep it simple.

To enter:

All I ask is that you follow me, this fat girl likes support and happy comments every once in a while. Once I see that you are a follower then all is well.

<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - go click follow on my sidebar ;)

The prize:

Every little bit helps right?!

This giveaway will end on Friday December 10th at Noon MST

PS: dont forget to leave a comment so i can include your name in the drawing

PSS: it wouldnt hurt my feelings if you promoted this giveaway on your blog. just saying ;)


Amy said...

I hardly ever enter giveaways either, mostly for your same reasons. But I'm a follower - so I'm in on this one :)

The Incredible Shrinking Woman said...

You. Complete. Me.

The Cochran Family said...

Me me me. I follow.

Cate Moreno said...

You crack me up Ginger and inspire me to do more and to love myself the way that I am. I'd be honored to follow your blog. Always looking for a good read.Keep it up girl!

Cate Moreno said...

So, whether I win or lose the's a win/win for me! Luv ya!

Jamie W. said...

What a great blog. Wow great goals youv'e set. I need to get my butt in gear and loose this baby weight (I know seriously I can no longer use that phrase, my baby is 2) : )
I follow this blog now. THanks

Alissa said...

I do "follow" you although I haven't been good about catching up on everyone's blogs lately. Thank you so much for stopping by mine and making a comment :)

Kathy said...

Yay for an awesome giveaway! :D

I don't have a blog but I did tweet your giveaway!

Ashley said...

I'm a new follower :)

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Caroline said...

I am now a follower!

Ange said...

Yippie!!! My iPhone let me follow after like ten minutes of waiting!