Saturday, December 4, 2010


I decided to forgo the challenge for the Get Fit for Christmas contest. The idea behind it is awesome but the energy and determination it takes to do it has not been there. Plus, although I think watching your weight during the holidays is important, for me it is not priority. I want to focus on family and that is what these last few months need to be.

To keep me on track my husband and I have challenged each other to move and lose weight. So far we haven't done the best but its a work in progress. My goal for this holiday is to maintain my weight if not lose more.

Weigh-ins are still Tuesday morning(another reason I had a difficult time with the challenge is it through me off because weigh-ins were fridays. it is all a mental thing, i know i am crazy) and this next Tuesday I will post updated measurements.

Week 23: 158.6
Week 24: 160.6
eek!! not the 160's again

These pictures make me laugh because it is a picture of our legs and it makes me think naughty thoughts. When it was just me all I thought was weight. Just another reason to get the man on board. ;)

hubby's weighin

Week 1: 207.6lbs
Week 2: 209.6lbs

Weighing in was exciting for the man because he thought he was around 215lbs but to find he was lower than that was a plus.

Stay tuned: Monday I am going to host my first give away titled Pay It Forward!

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