Friday, December 10, 2010

Winner of Pay It Forward Giveaway

True Random Number Generator 10

Ok so not everyone knows how to follow directions lol but that's ok I included you all in the giveaway. By follow me I meant to go click the follow button the sidebar <------ over there but oh well this is my first giveaway and I want to giveaway no matter what. I am so excited to use to pick the number and I copied the box because I had no idea where to find the widget for it. So the lucky winner is comment #10 and that is Ange. Congrats!!

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Other random stuff! I am still going strong with no sugar but I dont know how good that is because I substituting it with other crap junk food. At first I was having real bad cravings for some yummy anything sugar but now it's not so bad. The only thing that sucks is the headaches but that could be because my body is going crazy.

I talked to the man about possibly writing a post once a week. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with!

This weekend is going to be crazy with three birthday parties, church events and baking. Eek!!

Happy Friday to you all!!


Ange said...

I have NEVER one a giveaway before; never! I sanced around like a little kid when I saw this! Thank you!

spice2116 said...

yay!! i am happy to have given you a first. send me your address and i will mail this to you ;)

spice2116 said...

yay!! i am happy to have given you a first. send me your address and i will mail this to you ;)