Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weigh-In, Doing without?, Giveaway

209.6 for the man
160.0 for me

measurements will be updated on the side bar

I was doing so good yesterday in my eating. I had a smoothie for breakfast, exercised on the wii fit with me liv-ster and even had a sensible lunch. It started going down hill when we didnt eat dinner before six and had to go into town which was an hour away. What time did we get to eat you ask. We ate at 9:30pm on our drive home getting food from Wendy's. I know you can get healthy choices and eat light but I so did not do that. I was grumpy and frumpy and dammit I wanted a french fry. Side note: they have really yummy french fries with sea salt. YUM! but dont let me tempt you.

Which leads me into my next big excitement. I have decided each new week, Monday to Monday, I am going to do without something or do something daily. I am going to NEED YOUR help because I wont be able to think of these things on my own.

So far I have done a week without Facebook and this week I am doing without sugar, Drazil inspired me. When I say sugar I mean: cookies, cakes, ice cream and any other sweet treat. Pretty much everything in my kitchen at the moment. Two days have come and gone and I am still going strong. It is kind of nice to test your strength.

Dont forget to enter my giveaway!!

the only requirement is to follow my blog

<------------------------- click follow you know you want to ;)

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