Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Happy Pill

Unlike my previous post I am not always a bowl of sunshine. I do/have suffered from postpartum depression, I do/have had negativity engulf me to low levels resulting in 'leave me the hell alone' being said. I am not perfect as no one is, although it would be nice one day out of the year. HA!

It is a vicious cycle where I am ok, happy getting along with my life then my menstrual beast comes and turns me into a rage machine. I dont know how else to describe it. I get irritated, annoyed, angry, super sensitive to noise and touch. Not enjoyable for anyone. Instead of saying, "Oh it will go away. A few more days and the visitor will leave." I have made the plunge to see the doctor and find out how I can make my craziness better. Hoping for a happy pill.

Pills scare the cheese out of me and it is a big step for me. I am scared of the side effects, I am scared they wont help. I am scared of gaining all my weight back. I am scared. But enough is enough. I cannot go on letting these symptoms build and they do feel like they are building for the worse. My family does not deserve to be treated by this beast and we all deserve to be happy. Wish me luck!


Amy said...

I am exactly the same way. Ever since I had my daughter I have extreme PMS - I can tell I am being extremely moody, angry, irritated, annoyed, etc. My nutritionist told me I need to switch the BC pill I am on but I am so used to taking it and there haven't been any side effects (extreme mood swings aside...) and I am afraid to change it to another unknown pill. So anyways, good luck! I would love to hear that it works for you :)

Unknown said...

Asking for a pill to help you out is like accepting a trophy for winning a race...You need it to help you be better there is no shame. it is scary I am the same way....Just as a side note I get severe anxiety with my pms now it is awful! My friend from MN went to see her doc for the same thing he gave her anxiety meds she could take th week of and wk before HUGE difference I am going to do the same I am tired of this crap! Why does bringing such cute humans into this world screw us up so miserably