Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Move that A$$

Ok I have been absent, let's just say for a long time, and I am now catching up on blogs. I know you have all written like 50 posts each so give it time. Anyways, I was reading Draz's post and it really opened my eyes. Because I seriously always come back and write a post about getting back to it and being better. She had an anonymous commenter say this "I feel like I'm always reading about you "getting on track" and never about you actually on track. That's tough love.. but it's true. This shit is hard.. do it up." And I was like 'holy shiz' that is so true. Here is too staying on track and enjoying the journey!!


♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Here is to staying on track indeed. Go Ginger!

The Incredible Shrinking Woman said...

I had a comment like that, except it was on FB and it wasn't so nice. And it hurt- BIG TIME. I want un-tough love, please!!! But the truth is, it made me mad enough to get back on track. So I guess it worked. Kinda. Mostly people want to read about others actually doing it so they can be inspired to do it themselves. No one wants to be reminded how hard it is! But it is. It SUCKS.
So, in un-tough love fashion, I say this: Hey Ginger, I know this is tough, but if anyone can do it- YOU CAN!!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow I tell myself that all the time maybe I need this commenter to say this to me!!! lol

Amanda said...

I was thinking about this the other day as well. I'm just getting "back on the wagon" again and as I launched into my initial blog posts I wondered how much "meat" there is between my "Here I go again" posts. But you know what? We're going to get there. I believe that.