Friday, December 10, 2010


People, this is the year. The year that we wish big and manage to slow down to make the holidays magical and cookie-filled.

Of course, it’s tough to orchestrate the magic when you’re knee deep in to-do’s. That’s why we’ve partnered with GameStop to take a big to-do off that list—the one that says “Get epic gifts for the family”.

That one, we’ve covered. TodaysMama and GameStop are giving Santa a run for his money this year with a pile of presents that any family could love. Our Wish List Grand Prize includes:

One XBox 360 250 GB with Kinect

One Nintendo Red Wii Bundle

Three Nintendo Red DSi XL Bundles

Plus, a ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR GameStop gift certificate so you can fill those stockings with games and accessories.

You may want to serve some earplugs with your hot cocoa on Christmas morning to protect your precious hearing from the shrieks of joy from your family.

Entering this contest is easy and fun. Just answer and post the meme below on your blog or as a Facebook note and add your link below.

To participate you must include all of the text, including the links, in bold below:

Mama’s Holiday Wish List Meme

TodaysMama (link to: and GameStop (link to: are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.

1. What is your holiday wish for your family? to have fun and enjoy each other without getting crazy

2. What is your Christmas morning / Hanukkah Nightly tradition? open presents and eat a yummy cinnamon roll breakfast

3. If you could ask Santa for one, completely decadent wish for yourself, what would it be? probably a vacation for the family

4. How do you make the holidays special without spending any money? we decorate and read stories every night

5. What games did you play with your family growing up? rook, catch phrase, skip bo

6. What holiday tradition have you carried on from your own childhood? we open one gift the night before Christmas

7. Where would you go for a Christmas/Hanukkah-away-from-home trip? when we are away from home we usually visit family in Utah or Arizona

8. Check out GameStop (link to: and tell us, what are the three top items on your GameStop Wish List this year? i would get a PS 3 and some racing games for my husband

To enter, link to your Mama’s Holiday Wish List post using the Mister Linky box below.
BUT WAIT. Did you think we were done? Oh, you must not know us at all.
We have another stockpile of gifts from GameStop that you can enter to win with our extra entry options.

* Runner Up #1 will receive a XBox 360 250 GB with Kinect and a $250 GameStop gift card.

* Runner Up #2 will receive a Nintendo Red DSi XL Bundle and a $250 GameStop gift card.

* Runner Up #3 will receive a Nintendo Red Wii Bundle and a $250 GameStop gift card.

Extra Entry Options include:

* “Like” Gamestop on Facebook
* Follow @gamestop on Twitter
* Head back to the tippy-top of this post and hit that “Retweet” button.

The deadline to post your meme and comment is Friday, December 10th (same deadline applies for extra entry methods).


Ange said...

I hope and pray my husband doesn't see this post! He is trying to convince me that it is "normal" for people to get to open a present the night before. Let's just keep this post our little secret, m-kay?

spice2116 said...

lol of course it could be our secret. the gift really isnt anything huge it is usually jammies.