Monday, December 13, 2010


So this past week I withheld from sugar and I did pretty good. I didnt realize everything that had sugar. I didnt have any special treats but I still had lemonade and the occasional soda and if I really wanted to be off sugar I would of not had that as well.

I included this graph because really sugar intake is rising and it is a big contributor to weight gain. We need to be mindful of what we put into our bodies. I got this picture at DailyMe

The week went well until about Friday. I wasnt craving any but without thinking and wanting my breath to smell minty fresh I popped in a piece of gum. When I went to the store later I was thinking oh I cant have that or that and then it hit me. Holy Shiz!! I am chewing a freaking piece of gum!! Can we just say disappointment. Then my husband gets me a vanilla shake and I look at him with a bewildered look. Then it hits him oh crap I forget he says. Well I for sure didnt let it go to waste although I could not drink all of it. LOL Monday to friday is how well I did without sugar.

This next week I am going to try and do it for reals because I dont want to move on to something else until I conquer this. I will be strong! No sugar from Monday to Monday


Ange said...

Can you have fake sugar? I could not give up my diet mtn dew!

Anonymous said...

Finally following you. I was having blogger issues.

Alissa said...

I have thought of giving up sugar but it seems like it is in EVERYTHING and it just overwhelmed me to think about :( I have started trying tea without any sweeteners for the first time in my life. I generally never am able to stomach tea without some additions but I figured if I could try it for awhile...I'd start to enjoy the actual taste of it.

Good luck with your sugar goal th is week!! It would be interesting to see what choices you make and what items surprised you that you had to change.

spice2116 said...

nope no fake sugar. i want to stay away from it completely for this week and that includes the fake stuff too.

panda (didnt know if you wanted me to use your real name lol) so excited to have you hear hopefully i dont bore you

thanks lafngirl! sugar really is in everything. i still eat fruit and thats all i can think of that has sugar right now lol my bff puts like 6 bags of sugar in her tea i think it is funny! good luck to you with doing tea without sugar ;)

Amanda said...

It is crazy hard to get away from sugars completely. I gave up soda (regular and diet) in October but I've been a tea drinking fiend since then. I keep telling myself I'm going to start cutting out the sweetener and switch to decaf tea but I just haven't yet. I'm bad.

Good luck! I hope you're having an easier time of it this week.