Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weigh-In Week 13

(sorry no picture the battery died lol)

I am surprised that I lost anything.
After finishing the VBL I kind of lost all motivation and didnt really control my eatings too much. I even broke my no soda rule and had maybe two or three. (was sober for close to four months) I cant remember. I also had three extra kidlets on top of my four so it was aight. Has anyone else lost their umph or am I just speaking jibberish. I did work outs I just didnt eat the greatest.

I want to give myself a new goal to lose 10 more pounds by October 11th. (would love to lose more but 10lbs is safe to say) That weekend I will be going to my home town and seeing family and friends so I would like to look my best. I am even going to get my hair cut which I am ecstatic about.

How is everyone doing post challenge?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eat Day!

Ok one thing I must confess is I have an eat day where I eat anything and then do good on all other days. This was my day yesterday in no particular order:

cake frosting
sauteed squash
sauteed zucchini
sticky rice w/ hot sauce
fruit/vegetable smoothie
oriental chicken salad
cheese stick
bagel w/ cream cheese
crackers w/ hummus

I think that is it. But the best part about this is the fruit/vegetable smoothie. It cleans me out and then in the morning my lemon/peppermint water cleans me out. Not that you wanted to know how much I poo but pooing is good for you. You know your body is getting rid of the bad stuff when you poo.

Something exciting to talk about. I won 4th place in VBL and that is pretty freakin exciting. I can now go buy pants that fit. :) Thank you so very mucho grande.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Final VBL Weigh-In

So at the beginning of this VBL challenge I started at 192.4 and I am now at 170.8

To tell you the truth I am still shocked that I let myself get to that lazy stage and almost get to 200lbs. Now I am not saying that is bad and I hope I dont offend anyone but for me and my body that is just too big. I really think we need to get to that point and say this is really not healthy. I appreciate Katy for starting this challenge so I can get to that point. I look forward to more weigh-ins and losing this weight.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dont Forget!!

Today is Weigh-In Week 12!! Go Weign-In and send it Katy. I am so truly thankful that start challenges and competitions!! They help me, motivate me, to move this tush. I can so tell the difference between my eating and wanting to play more with the kids just so I can move more. The journey does not stop here!! It is an everyday life choice to be healthy and active.
You can Do it!!I also want to give a shout out to HeadBand Lady.
She made this awesome headband and I love it!!
It does exactly what it is supposed to do, keep my bangs out of my face.

I have been eating a lot of Oriental Chicken Salad.
I have the recipe on this post.

The workout challenge from Draz's blog started on Friday but I didnt start doing my 20minute workouts until yesterday. Better late than never. Are you going to do the challenge?

I will post my weight picture tomorrow after we find out the totals for the competition.
Good luck to everyone!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just as I was getting pumped. . . .

. . . . to start the workout challenge over at Drazil's Blog I get sick. Seriously! What is the deal with my body?! I think mostly it is just due to stress and not getting enough sleep. So I have been having daily hangovers thanks to Nyquil, which I will not take again so I can be alert for the kids this week, blowing my honker like crazy and losing my head thanks to head congestion. I havent made the best of food choices. Not to mention anything like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Cake Icing. But it really is the only thing that taste good going down the sore throat. At least that is what I tell myself. hahahaha Oh the joys.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Some New Motivation

i was reading It's Just Me, Drazil: Sheniqua's blog and she had a great challenge on there of who could get the most workouts. it is just the motivation i need to start using all these awesome workouts that i have and put them to good use. use on my body that is. not to mention our vbl coming to an end. go check it out and get some motivation

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weigh-In Week 11

My weight stayed the same this week which I am not really complaining about. I would rather it stay the same then go up. We have one more week of the VBL and you would think I would be more motivated but now that the kidlets are in school and I am waking up earlier I find myself tired. It is going to be a wild week. Good luck to everyone!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fill In The Blank Friday!!

If you want to play along, I found it from The Little Things We Do

1. Birthdays are: just another day in the neighborhood. we dont really do anything except maybe make a favorite dinner

2. My favorite birthday memory was when my mom flew up to surprise me. i seriously had no idea and when she showed up at my door i screamed and shut the door in her face. i was that excited. and then i started crying

3. A birthday tradition I (or my family) has is we always make their favorite meal.

4. If I had to choose one birthday meal to eat for the rest of my birthdays hence forward, I would choose Laab and sticky rice. It is a yummy Thai dish that my man makes

5. My birthday is on July 19th - I'm a Crab! .

6. If I could take a birthday trip I would go to the east coast. i love lighthouses and beaches and i have always wanted to go to the east coast.

7. The best gift I've ever received for my birthday was hmmmmm flowers are always a beautiful gift. i am not too picky

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Things that are helpful. . . .

. . . . . I wanted to do some suggestions on things I that are helpful. SO saddle up :)

* weeds - they are always there for the pulling so there is always an exercise to do.

* brush your yapper - when i brush my teeth after meals it curbs my hunger and that is always a good thing when trying to lose weight

* ZUMBA - it is all i have been hearing about from numerous people. i love workout videos. Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam to name a few and I am excited to add Zumba. It should be here today and I am stoked to shake my groove thing.

That's all I can think of for now. Hope you all are having an awesome Friday and I will be posting Friday questions later

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Total Mom Makeover

Just my thoughts put into writing. Feel free to Carry On :)

So I am reading this book, ok I am reading a lot of books, but I am reading this book called Total Mom Makeover by Hannah Keeley. I got it from paper back swap so it was free. YAY! I love free. Anywho it really focuses on all aspects of the home and self and really when it begins and it asks what do you want to be doing and what is your vision for the future all I can think about is being skinny. I started feeling terrible because although I could definitely improve my mothering and housewife persona all I could think about it being skinny. If I was skinny everything else would fall into place. I would want to spend time with my kids and play more. I would not care what other people think I would be free. Well shoot why cant I feel that way now. What's the word?!!! What cant I love myself now and be happy now. Ummmmm because I am not skinny, I feel ugly most days and well I feel fat. I just dont understand how a person can get that good self love. If I loved myself I would probably stay this fat forever. I dont want to stay this fat forever. How do you get self love?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Weigh-In Week 10

I have weighed-in but still debating to post it. It has been pretty steady, my weight loss, but this past week was difficult. I couldnt stop eating it. My hubby got oreos and that was a disaster. I am pretty sure I ate half of the bag if not the whole thing. But nobody's perfect especially me. I have been slowly getting back into working out and I am thinking that is partially the reason I have been more hungry.

How did everyone else do for their week?

Monday, August 9, 2010


I love Giveaways and this one is awesome!
Go check it out and get your weight loss journey started!!

Fit With A Purpose

Friday, August 6, 2010

Progress Pictures

It's no bikini but it will do so I can document my body.
These are the first of the pictures so I dont really have anything to compare them too unless I took a picture from ages ago. oh wait oh wait i think i found one:
oh yes i have definitely lost weight since this picture. Thanks Heavens.

ps: still itching for a haircut but scared to get rid of locks. no worries missy i will post a picture when it happens. thinking october

pss: for those of you dont know i am preggers with my kidlet #4 in that picture and now you guessed it i am no longer preggers

BYOC Friday!!!

Which translates to Bring Your Own Craziness. I love when people post blogs to do on different days and I especially love the question and answers. So here is to our craziness:

1. This is something a bit different and comes from my lovey dove Barbara (My NEW LIFE rules). It’s called “Which one would you rather?”….

Tom Cruise or
Tom Brady?

although i am sure tom cruise has some great things about him i havent been to fond of him. tom brady looks strong handsome and he is tall. (which my husband likes to remind me was one of my requirements lol)

Mr. Big (Sex and the City) or
Tony Little (excercise nut)?

i dont know any of these people :(

Whoopi Goldberg or
Making whoopi?

making whoopi fo sho! i love any closeness with the man

2. I know some of us have discussed this before but I’ve been thinking and hearing it more in blog land as many of you are getting closer to goal. How do you feel about plastic surgery? What lengths would you go to in order to achieve it?

it has been a thought but not a reality. i couldnt imagine altering my body under the knife especially already having a c-sections. natural is the way to go and your body will thank you

3. What’s your favorite website?

i would have to say google reader. i love see who has updated their blogs and reading about others journey. it is big inspiration to get my butt moving

4. What’s your best tip for having a great vacation? (Yes, this is me being selfish….getting slightly nervous about my first vacay ever in 13 DAYS!)

dont stress!!! usually when i go on vacation i always think there has to be a plan and a place to be and i wig out of anything changes. vacation is to relax and get away not be more of a beast. enjoy enjoy enjoy

5. Repeat question….which blog or comment stuck with you the most this week and why?

i think would have to be ms. bitchcakes reaching her goal. i love her pictures. love her attitude. and it put a smile on my face to see her reach her goal. a lot of the blogs i am reading we are just starting on this journey so it was fun to see someone at the end. congrats to her and to all of us for wanting to be healthy and take care of ourselves

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What do you eat?

I have noticed a lot of people posting what they eat so I figured I would post mine too. Might as well, right?!

breakfast: water w/ drop of lemon and peppermint oil (this usually cleans my system out) then orange juice with reliv

snack: cheese stick

lunch: i have been eating cabbage, carrots, rice noodles with fish sauce and soy sauce mmmm

snack: hmmm lately it has been DQ (just tried an oreo and brownie blizzard, i think it is my new fave)

dinner: last night i made enchiladas with sauteed zucchini. i am a sucker for the zucchini

i find for food it is not so much what i eat, although i do want it to be healthy, it's about portion control.

confession: i have a huge confession to make. whenever i go to the post office i always seems to glance in the trash can. it just happens. and when i see magazines in there i tend to gander at them. why pay a subscription to a magazine if you are just going to throw it away?! anyways i looked today and there was a victoria secret swimsuit sale magazine. i grabbed it because i have been wanting to take progress pictures in a sweet bikini. but i am still talking the man into that one. sheesh!! glad i got that off my chest (and for the record i dont read the mail or even touch i just look to see if there is magazines ;) )

Weigh-In Week 9

(the man wanting to take the picture lol)


It seems like this week went by fast.
It's hard to believe that there is only three weeks left in the VBL competition.
Thinking I will with hold my weight for these last three weeks.
To be more surprising at the end.
Decisions Decisions

Today is my 9 year Anniversary and I couldn't be more blessed.
I love my man with everything I have to give.
It is also kidlet #1's birthday.
I am going to have to take it easy on that yummy ice cream cake.

Since being on this weight-loss journey I find myself not as hungry.
It's the weirdest feeling. I still eat but I find myself trying to want something to eat.
I have been reading The Gabriel Method.
I feel it has helped me get in a good mindset.

I took my measurements.
But I am wondering if I did them right.
Does anyone know of a website to show where you put the measuring tape?
;) I would mucho appreciate it

Now off to celebrate the day. :)

ps: i posted my measurements on the side bar but i will post them here too

bust: 42'

waist: 44'

hips: 44'

left thigh: 24'

right thigh: 24'