Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Total Mom Makeover

Just my thoughts put into writing. Feel free to Carry On :)

So I am reading this book, ok I am reading a lot of books, but I am reading this book called Total Mom Makeover by Hannah Keeley. I got it from paper back swap so it was free. YAY! I love free. Anywho it really focuses on all aspects of the home and self and really when it begins and it asks what do you want to be doing and what is your vision for the future all I can think about is being skinny. I started feeling terrible because although I could definitely improve my mothering and housewife persona all I could think about it being skinny. If I was skinny everything else would fall into place. I would want to spend time with my kids and play more. I would not care what other people think I would be free. Well shoot why cant I feel that way now. What's the word?!!! What cant I love myself now and be happy now. Ummmmm because I am not skinny, I feel ugly most days and well I feel fat. I just dont understand how a person can get that good self love. If I loved myself I would probably stay this fat forever. I dont want to stay this fat forever. How do you get self love?


Amy said...

I have the same question, I have no idea how you get self love. If you figure out an answer please pass it along.

Unknown said...

Honey skinny doesn't bring happy that is going to be a sad day if you don't work on you now. Happy comes with finding you knowing in-spite of all your flaws God loves you, that he doesn't give up on you that you are his daughter and he sent you here with the tools to succeed. Getting skinny will make you feel accomplished but it won't bring happy. Happy is way deeper than fat or skinny can reach, you have to start diggin in the right places. Love ya!