Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kick that butt!

Seriously I just feel like kicking my butt to get it moving. But even then I dont think it will get much action. hahaha I went walking today and bundled the cowboy up. He didnt last long. Sooner or later I will get a stroller that has tires that dont get flat and a buckle that keeps the little cowboy nestled in his seat.

I have not eaten anything yet, I have drank water but my body is just not hungry. I did eat a little piece of cheese but I felt like I was going to puke. Our bodies are crazy. I think I ate so much while being on the dot that my body is full. hahaha Wouldnt that be good news?! I am going to snack on some almonds.

Yesterday I weighed myself and I came up with 166.0 which isnt bad compared to most days. I know I ate more and I have just been lazy. I am just glad it didnt go to 169.0 because I was stuck there before.

A friend of mine just started the Atkins diet and she lost 28lbs in 3-4 weeks which made me excited for her but also sad that it took me 4 months to lose that much. I just need to keep kicking my butt and moving forward.

Monday, September 27, 2010


so i have come to the conclusion that the weekends are just plain lazy, even though i am more busy with everyone being home my computer life gets put on the back burner. i will not be posting my food, that's just all there is to it.

this morning i had a bowl of kix which i shared with the cowboy and i have been drinking water. i ate a cheese tortilla with salsa and a yummy tag-a-long cookie. i am full but could probably eat more if i wanted to. i am trying to do 100 crunches and 100 oblique crunches morning and night. so that would be 200 of each a day which isnt too bad. did them last night and this morning so life is good so far.

we went and had a barbecue with some friends. i was pretty cranky and tired. so mostly i just stayed quite the whole time. oh the joys.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

party day!

i thought i would be able to sleep in today, what with having no kids at home and such. no such luck. i was up at seven and ready to get going. what the crap is that all about?! the nerve of my body feeling awake and ready. hahaha

my eating was kind of scattered between the birthday cake and the yummy salad that was made. i also finished up the thai delicious food. water has been my bff the past couple days and i can say thanks to the flo for that. one good things can come of it.

how is your weekend going?


I had a really good day and an even better day night. I went walking of course and we walked up to the cemetery which was great due to the inclines. I also took a picture when I returned home to prove I walked but my camera has magically disappeared. hahaha No it wasn't planned.

Eating today went well, I had apples a lot of water, chips and salsa and some yummy Thai Food. I am sure I sneaked some other food in there but let's face it, that was yesterday and I dont remember.

The man and I went on a date last night and it was so freakin fun going out. We went to Office Max and got a really nice pencil sharpener. I know you all will think I am a freak but seriously I hate getting a pencil and it not being sharpened. Then you cant find a sharpener, pisses me off if I want to be honest. But enough about that. I even posted on my FB how much I am in love with my new sharpener. Took pictures of it even, which I shall post later. We went to a bookstore and got a planner because yes I have appointments already starting for 2011, and had some yummy Thai food. Delicious!! Overall it was a really rocking night and I always love spending time with the man.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eating Day 4, It's coming

Well this morning I woke up not very hungry. I had some lemon water and finished off my smoothie. Would it be bad to listen to my not hungry body, or should I just force food?

I so was not ready to walk this morning. 9:30am is just too late to walk for me and the cowboy. He usually likes to nap at that time so it really messes with my day. Tomorrow we are going to try and go at 8:30am. We did some little jogging at spots and it was fun to try it. Maybe it will help me like running a little bit.

I decided to eat some chips and salsa, which turned to mashed potatoes and ghoulash, which turned into cookies, which turned into . . . . nothing after that. LOL Really I should have just drank some water and I would have been fine and not dealing with a chain of events of eating.

I feel something coming, and I am pretty sure it is something every woman dreads, men too possibly. I am starting my cycle of life, my dot, my aunt flo is on her way and I am not happy. She is making me irritable, making me sneak popcorn, and yes I had three bowls of soup for dinner. UGH! Dont hate me for being weak. It happens. Life moves on

ps: i love adding buttons to my sidebar.

pss: i would love to have my own button for my sidebar.

psss: does anyone want to make me an awesome button for my sidebar?

pssss: i will be your bestest weightloss bud in the whole freakin universe

psssss: thanks

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eating Day 3


This morning went well. I did my smoothie and water and it kept me pretty full the whole morning. I also went walking with same friend. I almost said no because it was sprinkling rain out side but she pulled me out and we went walking. It was sooooo much FUN and I am so happy she pushed me out of my box, even if it did start to rain.

I went to visit hubby for lunch which is never good as far as food is concerned. LOL We went to Denny's because that was are only choice along with Subway and we were going to eat there but let's face it the cowboy would not eat there food. So we ventured to Denny's and I ate a little bit of salad, a few onion rings, some seasoned fries and half of the turkey bird sandwich, dont forget ranch. Not the best but I am so full right now I dont think I will have to eat dinner. LOL Gives me time to work it off.

I will update if I do eat something but seriously I am so full

ps: i did try my dinner mmmm yummy sweet bbq pork chops and mashed potatoes, but seriously only a little bit.

bad thing for today: eating out - really i dont care how you look at it. eating out is always mostly fatty.

good thing for the day: walking in the rain and seeing the hubby at lunch

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eating Day 2

i have the cutest smoothie buddy!! he always finishes his before me. LOL mostly because he has less but who cares. (dont mind the dirty face they are born that way)

my yummy drinks for the morning. mmmmmmmm delicious! this morning i made my smoothies. ingredients include: orange juice, bananas, carrots, almonds, bok choy, lettuce, blueberries, grapes, and apples. these two smoothies hold me over until dinner. I also ate a half of almond poppyseed muffin which was really filling, i could of done with a quarter size of it and been good.

i went on a walk with a local friend who is trying to lose weight as well and it was really awesome to visit with her and get to know her better.

i drank my second smoothie and ate some cheese with it. yum yum :)

for dinner i had some ham, green beans and home made macaroni and cheese. tomorrow i am going to eat at lunch so i am not starving by dinner time. mmmmmm that could be bad.

and if i really wanted to be honest i would say that i had to have a couple baby spoonfuls of mashed potatoes (to show cowboy how yummy they were) and sneaked a few cheetos but that is only if i want to be honest.

bad thing for the day: almost getting eaten by dogs while on our walk, seriously it was freaky, thank goodness for sticks.

good thing for the day: new razor blades - my legs are now silky smooth LOL yay!

Weigh-In Week 16


I know what you are thinking.
My feet are getting super sexy!!
Just dont look at my legs,
they are super hairy.
hahahahahahaha :p

The apple day really helped me yesterday.
It helped my body.
It helped my mind.
And now I know I am back on track.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eating Day 1

Well I did pretty dang good for today. I drank lots of water ate two carrots, because I didnt have apples, and then ate three or four apples. I cant remember. LOL I did end up eating dinner mostly because yesterday I didnt eat anything due to sickness and I didnt want to hurt myself. I even stopped my eating and havent eaten anything since 5:30pm-6pm. I ate green beans, mashed potatoes and hamburger ghoulash. I had some major temptations today especially since cookies were sitting on the counter and I could smell them. MMMMMMMmmmmmm. . . . . . I wonder if we gain weight from sniffing the cookies. hahahaha I ended up throwing them away. Was going to take a picture but oh well. I even did a few crunches but I moved quite a bit today with organizing cupboards and cleaning the refrigerator and freezer. My legs are sore from the normal hustle and bustle. Now off to dream land.

ps: yay tomorrow is my weigh-in day

pss: this was my 100th post *woot*woot*

It's a New Day!!

. . . . . and I am going to kick my butt into gear. That's the right thing to say after being in such a slump but truly I want to stop getting sick and I know it has a lot to do with my eating habits and stress. Today I am going to flush my system and by doing that I am going to drink lemon water all day and eat apples. By doing this I know I will be sending my body the message that from here on out only good food. I am also going to try and be more accountable for the food I put in my body. Yes I will be posting a list of food I eat everyday. Doing this mostly so I can stop eating all those darn cookies. I definitely dont want the world to know about my cookie love. Lately I have been craving a lot of meat, no i am not on my monthly, like steak meat. Not so much today but really I dont think it is all that bad to eat meat on occasion. (sorry that was a random thought) So here is to a new day and flushing the system. Happy Apple Day!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

lovin some cherry

Cherry On Top Award Rules

Thank the person that gave you the award.

Kirsten, over at Results Not Typical Girl, gave me this awesome AWESOME award. And of course I want to thank her, thank her for thinking of me, thank her for writing faabulously funny and real posts, and thank her for always bringing the party train with her.

Answer the question: If you had one chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?

Ummmm. . . usually I would say no to this type of thing because really I dont regret the way my life has ended up. . . . but in reality there IS one thing i would change.

Pick 6 people and give them this award, and don’t forget to inform them they’ve won!

The Beginning to No End

Scarlett's Big Butt

Food's Ex Best Friend

Pencil Skirt Bound

Operation Shrink Charlie's Butt

Plus-Sized Pin Up

These girls are real cherries I mean keepers and although I have more stuff to post about I am going to get my tired and sick behind back in bed. Seriously!! Can you all just stop writing for a minute so I can catch up on what you already wrote. hahahaha

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weigh-In Week 15

It has been a crazy week with balls and funerals and shopping. Lots of shopping I should say. The charity dinner went well and I found a beautiful black dress that a friend let me borrow for the night. It was truly amazing.

After this weigh0in I kind of got crazy which I usually do. I had an eat day where I ate Chester's Fries and cookies all day. Seriously that is what I ate. It was pretty sick. I still get enough of those Chester's Fries and I just need to throw them away or give them to the kids because they are seriously giving me the runs. How is that for juicy details hahahahaha Life is crazy and exciting all the same.

Friday, September 10, 2010


1. If a major newspaper wrote an article about you today, what would the headline be?

Crazy Girl Trying to Be Super Woman - seriously i am trying to be everyone at once, church goer, service person, mother, wife, friend, me and more much much more

2. Name one thing you like about being an adult.

ummm i dont like being an adult hahahahaha

3. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon when you were a kid?

all of them. to tell you the truth i cant remember what cartoons i watched. i know, i know i am lame

4. When is the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt about them?

i tell people everyday. for the most part i like to be honest with people unless you upset me than it takes me a while to bring it up

5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in life and in blogland.

seriously this week has been so crazy that i feel like i havent gotten to read anyones blog or even blog myself. between spending days in the city (which is an hour and a half away) typing a 400 page story for a friend, trying to get ready for this funeral, work charity party, and taking care of kids, home and husband, i am truly spent. i miss you all so much and i promise to read and comment on your blogs next week.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Weigh - In Week 14

i am liking that number.
Look at me in all my hotness!
Ok so maybe not but hey it is getting there right!!
Will post measurements tomorrow night, this week has been super busy!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Holy Shiz Balls!!

Ok so I forgot to weigh myself last night so I will do it tonight and post it tomorrow, I am telling ya I have been getting lazy. But anywho I found out the man is having a charity dinner this weekend and we get to dress up in formal wear and I am so freaking excited!! I pulled out my gowns and found that the one I want to wear fits on me BUT I still need to lose just a little bit more. Damn boobs, thinking about bringing on the duct tape. (I really do love my boobs though) AHHHHHHHHH So this week is operation kick me a$$ week so I can fit into this dress. IT"S GOING TO HAPPEN!!! Other great news is I pulled out a skirt that I havent fit in since pre-baby and it is size 10 and wait for it. . . . . . . . . wait for it. . . . . . . . . it now fits zipped up and all. I am so freaking excited, as if you couldnt tell from this crazy post. Stay tuned for monthly measurements and picture updates. Yee-Freakin-Haw!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

You're Famous!!

I went grocery shopping it was a joyous day because I stayed within my budget. Nevermind having to go back for things I have forgotten. hahahahaha But I was eating a banana and noticed this on my bananas:

If you cant tell there are little feet on that sticker and it made me think of Operation Shrink my Butt and then I was like holy crap she is famous!! hahahahahaha How Fun?!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. If I didn't have to work anymore I would ummmm really i cant answer this question because i dont have a job i work at but i do work at home doing everything under the sun. taking care of family, house, animals etc etc so if i didnt have that work i would probably travel or find a job hahaha

2. My favorite thing about a vacation is change of scenery. i like that i dont have to look at my own home and that i can pretend i have a new home

3. When packing for a trip I pack less than my mom. hahaha i pack light but i pack enough.

4. If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) I would choose my husband , because, he is my honey and we have fun together and we would go around the us of a because there is so much to see

5. My top 3 absolute travel essentials are 1) phone, 2) snacks, 3) pillow - other pillows just dont cut it

6. Vacations are worth taking!!

7. On vacation you must always relax. it is good to have somewhat of an agenda but you are there to enjoy and chill .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Award!! Yippeee

1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment

I got this awesome award from Plus-Sized Pin Up. She is super awesome sports some fun tattoos and has some great goals. Go show her some love.

1. dancing -
i love to move my body and listen to music. it is a great mood booster and fabulous workout.

2. the man -
he is a mood booster all in himself. he accepts me. he loves me. he strengthens me. he touches me. the end

3. the kidlets -
although i find myself crazy sometimes with them they really do make me smile with all their funny sayings and actions. they love me unconditionally and i will forever be grateful for the gift they are in my life.

4. reading -
i love to read books, blogs and anything else. i actually get consumed by it where i cant function until it is all read and i know what has happened. sometimes the man has to physically take the book away so i can get some sleep.

5. comments - i am not going to lie. i love getting comments and feedback. it is what makes the journey all worth while knowing someone is along for the ride.

6. quiet - for those of you who dont know i wear hearing aids. and quiet is music to my ears. in my life i dont always get the peace and quiet until everyone is asleep but still peace and quiet makes me a happy mama. i dont need it all the time but i can unwind and relax after stress with some quiet

7. family - i am blessed with a great family.

8. flowers - i love receiving them and i love to sniff them. i believe i spoke about it in a previous post but i love flowers and the beauty they bring

9. coloring - i love to color but only with colored pencils.

10. randomness - i like that i have random thoughts that are sometimes weird and crazy because that is what makes me me. i am weird and crazy all put into one hot chick ;)

nominees are:

* Food's Ex Best Friend
* Scarlett's Big Butt
* The Beginning to No End
* It's Just Me, Drazil and Sheniqua
* The Swede Records
* Operation Shrink Charlies Big Butt

ok i need more people to give me more love so i can nominate you :p